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"...you know how, when a baby is first born, it just cries at the sheer horror of being alive?"
-Julie (Scott Pilgrim Volume 3)

Paul's Going For Congress

15 Дан 914, 08:35 Објављено у Switzerland Switzerland

This Article will be divided into Three Parts,
Paul's Going for Congress
Past Party Presidential Elections
The SFP, Gone with the Wind? or not...

Starting with, a rubber duck

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Hall of the Super Best Friends, Wag of the Finger, and a Book of Renouille

16 Дан 906, 13:25 Објављено у Switzerland Switzerland

Another Article of Good-Bye Blue Monday, this article will be divided into three parts,
-Super Best Friends
-Tip of the Hat, Wag of the Finger
-The Books of Renouille

Starting today’s article with
Super Best Friends[/

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Presidential Elections, Zombies?, and a Hint of Asterix

7 Дан 896, 15:41 Објављено у Switzerland Switzerland

Rushing to get this out before the fifth, so the official Asterix in Switzerland 2.0 is not ready, but I have one funny cartoon, anyway, this article of Good-Bye Blue Monday will be divided into three parts,

-Presidential Elections

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Asterix In Switzerland, The End of Primaries? and The Upcoming Elections

8 Дан 892, 20:18 Објављено у Switzerland Switzerland

This article of Good-Bye Blue Monday will be split into three parts,
Asterix in Switzerland
The End of the Primaries?
The Upcoming Presidential Elections

I have been working on this all day, all week 😛

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Congressional Elections, and The Swiss-ish Report

6 Дан 890, 16:01 Објављено у Switzerland Switzerland

This article of Good-Bye Blue Monday will be divided into two parts,
-Congress Elections
-The Swiss-ish Report

Starting with,
Congress Elections
Thank you all so much for electiing me to congress, I already have a pic,
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