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Newspaper for the Irish Department of Defence

Notice from the Minister of Defence

17 Дан 598, 15:53 Објављено у Ireland Ireland

Dear Soldiers and Citizens,

I am in the middle of writing a more detailed introduction to myself and my plans as Minister of Defence, but world affairs insist that I make a brief statement concerning certain events.

Hungary and the United

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Recruitment Update Day 592 and a closing message from me.

18 Дан 592, 16:29 Објављено у Ireland Ireland

Recruitment Update Day 592 and a closing message from me.

A truly phenomenal response to the recent recruitment drive!
Great patriots and fierce

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Ireland Needs You. Read to the bottom (youtube) and you'll see why.

49 Дан 589, 14:36 Објављено у Ireland Ireland

Attention IDF troops and Irish Citizens alike.

This month has been a momentous one for the Irish state, the recent "Shannon Exercise" masterminded by … Види све »

The IRE - UK war - status updates!

15 Дан 576, 10:14 Објављено у Ireland Ireland

This is a message mainly aimed towards international participants..

Ireland would like to thank any nation that offered us aid in these times. The sad part is that, Ireland can't supply you with a means to repay you, except for our lasting

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The IRE - UK war preparations and orders!

12 Дан 576, 06:44 Објављено у Ireland Ireland

As you have read in the President's article, the UK will be attacking Ireland today at 12.00 erepublik time, being 8.00 PM GMT and 9.00 PM CET.

This battle will more than likely take place in the Shannon. Keep an eye out on the active wars and

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