Pedrito's eBar Project #2

Day 2,136, 06:46 Published in Serbia Portugal by Pedrito Legen...Wait for it...

Some time ago, I launched this article, with the aim of sharing this personal project. Since the last missions of the game, I had an exponential increase firepower, and of course, my hit is also growing day by day.
I hope this motivates you to be spared, and using your resources in the best way and with profit, of course!
I hope one day to do something big, with so many eBars. XD

Resources stored so far:
eBars -> 337M
eBars with pvp -> +- 505M
bombs and rockets -> 23M
bazuka boosters - > 0M

Desired Objective:
1MM Damage 🙂 🙂 🙂

Supreme Objective:
2MM Damage 😃 😃 😃

Supreme-Titan-Mother-Foca Objective:
3MM Damage XD XD XD