Pedrito's eBar Project #1

Day 2,116, 08:28 Published in Serbia Portugal by Pedrito Legen...Wait for it...

A few weeks ago, I started a personal project that can motivate others, who knows?
It has just the purpose to accumulate eBars, bombs and rockets.
The purpose is to do alot of damage in any special occasion. For my native country, MEK second birthday, or something like that.
Lately, I do not spend resources on missions/competitions from our friend Plato. Only use ff and pvp, basically.

Resources stored so far:
eBars -> 138M
eBars with pvp -> - +200M
bombs and rockets -> 16M
bazuka boosters - > 3,6M

Desired Objective:
500M Damage 🙂 🙂 🙂

Supreme Objective:
1MM Damage 😃 😃 😃

Supreme-Titan-Mother-Foca Objective:
2MM Damage XD XD XD