International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Day 3,774, 08:15 Published in Israel Serbia by Vlad Gordin

Ok, today in RL we celebrate International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination!
In the game we don't have any Racial Discrimination. eWorld is totally equal for all players of all races - we all have the same "Fight" button 🙂

Many of us don't know what is Racial Discrimination and never meet it. But many know.
So, what is Racial Discrimination?
Racial discrimination refers to discrimination against individuals on the basis of their race.
For example:
South Africa's new president wants to redistribute land from white farmers. The expropriation of land without compensation is envisaged as one of the measures that we will use to accelerate redistribution of land to black South Africans.
Now you know how racial discrimination looks – if any law divides citizens by races then it’s racial discrimination law.

And let’s make homework to check if you understand it properly. Is it Racial Discrimination or not?
1. American University blocks whites from cafe designated as ‘sanctuary’ for nonwhites

2. Offering slogans such as “White Privelaged [sic] And Proud of It,” “Innocent Lives Matter Not Guilty Ones” and “it’s OK to be white,” they were found at the University of Vermont. Since violence can go hand in hand with racial extremism, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and local partners will continue to monitor the group’s actions

Bonus question:
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”
1. Do you see here any discrimination?
2. Did you read the novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell?

By the way, 21st day of March is International Day of Forests as well. Do not discriminate trees!

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Happy RL Birthday, my dear friend Clopoyaur