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eIndo Attack NT

11 Day 855, 21:36 Published in Australia Australia

Their CP claims his account has been hacked. This may or may not be true. DO NOT simply attack in NT. Wait for the last log in.

If their CP has been hacked by Channers, Brazil might be planning on hitting WA just before daychange. If all our

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Dear Pedernalo

11 Day 846, 04:29 Published in Australia Australia

Please stop trying to flame Binda. It is unseemly and unnecessary. Your attempted PTO is destined to fail and I have a hard time believing the Crimson Devils will keep you in their militia due to tonights sudden barrage of outbursts.



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Thank You Australian New Ideas Party

21 Day 835, 01:18 Published in Australia Australia

For the past fourteen days, or so, I have been a member of the Australian New Ideas party. I felt I had to do this so that people could dissociate my own personal views from the Australian Military Party and so that the AMP President Wally Wilson

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Please Explain this:

37 Day 831, 20:15 Published in Australia Australia

Originally posed on the forums by Schoft, Dropbear Marshal.

Regarding the following Bill

I would like to know why there was no article made in the Australian Media, like

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Desperation of the Australian National Party

64 Day 821, 02:11 Published in Australia Australia

You can see it now, in every article they create, in every bill that gets held up in the senate and now with the Inspector Generals investigation into the weapons stockpile. It is clear and it is obvious.

The ANP have begun their run to attempt

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