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7 Day 621, 07:44 Published in Bolivia Bolivia

TARIJA, Bolivia-- There have been some major changes in Bolivia in the past week or so. We had Congressional elections, ( I'm glad to say I won a seat ) we fought the first battle of a war, ( we won the battle, no treaty has been signed so be alert)

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0 Day 615, 16:26 Published in Bolivia Bolivia

TARIJA, Bolivia---WAR
An unprovoked war was declared by Chile on Bolivia today. We Bolivians did not want it, but sometimes things happen beyond our controll. Hopefully some last minute negotiations between AHA and Minister of Foreign Affairs

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2 Day 613, 15:30 Published in Bolivia Bolivia


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Before You Vote--Antes de la votación

2 Day 613, 06:06 Published in Bolivia Bolivia

Hoy es un día importante en Bolivia. Hoy votación para el Congreso y que se espera unirse AHA.
Antes de votar asegúrate de saber quién están votando. No se limite a elegir a una persona porque tienen un lugar fresco avatar o un montón de puntos de

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0 Day 612, 15:53 Published in Bolivia Bolivia

Everybody remember to vote on Saturday. It's important, not only because I am running, but because it's your future at stake. I say this every election because it's the truth.
Vote and Subscribe.

Todo el mundo recuerda a someter a votación

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