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Consultitive Process - Day 4771

5 Day 4,771, 06:24 Published in Belgium Belgium Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

In an effort to implement our vision and values as a party, we would like to start implementing a system of consultative democracy, first on the slate is immigration. We will be … read more »

Vision and Policy of HOPE

2 Day 4,771, 01:21 Published in Belgium Belgium Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Part of a successful party is to be clear as to what they want to achieve, how they want to achieve it. With this in mind, HOPE has adopted a policy document that aims at making it clear what … read more »

HOPE Writing Competition

6 Day 4,769, 04:54 Published in Belgium Belgium Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

At H.O.P.E we believe in activity. I know that there are a lot of people in this game, and particularly eBelgium that have entered into a perpetual cycle of two clicking. We hope to change … read more »


2 Day 4,753, 23:19 Published in Belgium Belgium Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

This congressional election, don't just vote for the party at the top of the ballot sheet. Do your country a favor, and choose a party that believe in your values as a player and eCitizen of … read more »

An Interview, a Man, a Future President

3 Day 4,730, 01:08 Published in Belgium Belgium Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I recently had the opportunity to interview an amazing eBelgium player by the name of Killah Bee. H.O.P.E is proud to be putting this exciting player forward for Country President, and look … read more »