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And the biggest loser is...

9 Day 626, 01:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Following the rejection of the President impeachment motion, RRR caught up with a few citizens in the street to get their views.

One said 'The president does a great job, what a stupid suggestion in the first place." Another was a little more

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Postcode Lottery?? NW wants a Q5 hospital.

7 Day 621, 01:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

How come London gets a Q5 hospital? Are the people of the NW not entitled to equal rights and opportunities when it comes to participating in wars with our London brothers and sisters?

NW are good, hardy people who love a fight. Can we have a Q5

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How About a Genuine Commonwealth

7 Day 620, 04:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

For years now, Brits have sailed to lands and raped and pillaged whatever was rightfully not ours.
Sure, the empire shrank back to where it began. But, we all know that most of the world has a bit of an illegitimate Brit gene due to our travels and

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Canadian National Anthem and Flag: Re-released!!

6 Day 620, 01:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

New words for a new world. Same tune, just with didgeridoos and a heavy seal -clubbing beat!

All together now!!

O Canada!
We pimped your home and
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(eUK) Please Nominate Your eBoss

4 Day 618, 00:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Dear citizens of eUK,

As part of eUK's commitment to recognizing those who contribute to others in a positive way, we now seek your nominations for "Outstanding Contribution to Business".

What we are looking for are managers who have gone

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