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The Parliament LOVES Their Taxes!

16 Day 794, 08:13 Published in Australia Australia

Thank you to the two other sensible members of Parlimanent who voted for this bill to alleviate gift prices by sensibly cutting diamond taxes from 10 to 5%. It's unfortunate that the vast majority of MP's feel that our industries should be

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The Liberal Party Revolution - Are you going to be a part of it?

19 Day 792, 09:03 Published in Australia Australia

It's what EVERYONE is talking about! If you're looking for a party that truly represents the interests of the people, then the Liberal Party of Australia is for you! We have gotten rid of our Turnbull and we're focused on an Abbott-esque reform! We

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CrowdedHouse - Minister of MISINFORMATION - A Liar, A Criminal....

18 Day 790, 07:47 Published in Australia Australia

By now, many have seen yet ANOTHER article by CrowdedHouse claiming to speak on behalf of the government. The Prime Minister has authorised the Inspector General to look into this entire situation, INCLUDING the actions of CrowdedHouse. He does not

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The Liberal Party of Australia - Fighting for a Stronger eAustralia

27 Day 789, 16:40 Published in Australia Australia

There has been much said of our new, reformed party, much of it is unfortunately based on lies and mistruths. I hope to set the record straight on what the LPA stands for, why we best represent the interests of the eAustralian people, and why you

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Liberal Party of Australia is Born!

27 Day 788, 07:40 Published in Australia Australia

Thank you so much to the members of the former Australian Democratic Party for your overwhelming vote of confidence in me. I know our party has gone through quite a turbulent time in the past few months. There have been many name changes and many

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