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[PK] Forward

38 Day 1,794, 14:19 Published in France France Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Merci !

Le 15 octobre dernier, j'ai été élu à la tête du PK. Le PK, ce parti qui m’a ouvert les yeux sur read more »

L'Effort de guerre

23 Day 1,725, 08:25 Published in France France Warfare analysis Warfare analysis


Aujourd'hui participons à l'effort de guerre et donnons notre nourriture pour une frappe aérienne

[url=http://www. … read more »

[Congrès] Le changement c'est du flan

12 Day 1,586, 02:45 Published in France France Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis


Je suis de nouveau candidat pour le congrès dans la région Bretagne.

Congressiste depuis 3 mois, j'ai servi mon pays et mon parti avec
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10 Day 1,543, 11:55 Published in Switzerland Switzerland First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Good evening,

First all, I thank every member, every citizen for your vote during the presidential election. Julian Anderson, our candidate came second
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7 Day 1,537, 13:21 Published in Switzerland Switzerland First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Good evening,

The election begins and we know the program of each candidate now.
This is a great moment in every presidential election. You can elect your ideas for
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