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A Short Story (With Pictures!)

45 Day 983, 04:14 Published in USA USA

Chapter 1: Hope Lost

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6 Simple Steps to Make America Better

26 Day 982, 10:55 Published in USA USA

1) Wake up on the 2nd of August
2) Eat a nutritious breakfast of your favorite flavor of Honey Bunches of Oats. Or Capn Crunch. Just not Frosted Flakes because while they are good, they are not as good as HoBOs. Do not skip this step as it is

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Hey, That Bugs Pretty Cool

15 Day 963, 18:16 Published in USA USA

As you've probably noticed by now the subs button is broken, and leads to our old frien😛">">

Except instead of attacking tanks, hes after....newspapers!

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Dearest Gina

30 Day 960, 13:36 Published in USA USA

On my daily routine, doing my daily 12 to 12 grind, things to do, people to see.

After hitting up the gym...gettin my buff on to impress the Lisa, my neighbor, I headed home to visit her and increase my...happiness, only to find out afterwords

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Friendship, Hardship, Hope, Sacrifice

72 Day 956, 21:09 Published in USA USA

Wise players know that eRepublik is cyclical. Empires rise and fall. The balance of power between PEACE and Atlantis favors one side then the next. Individual countries become megapowers then laughable.

The eUSA has always been a country of

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