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Baca dan hadam - terjah!!!

When soldier boy come marching in

7 Day 4,500, 01:54 Published in Malaysia Malaysia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hey PTOers in Malaysia. Be prepared. I am back to reclaim my country!! You dont know me. But i know you. Hahahahahaha
Siapa dia!!
Korang ingat aku speisis makan super ring ka?
Siapa dia!!
Aku x vote dia.
Siapa dia!!

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We See We Judge

22 Day 1,974, 10:05 Published in Malaysia Malaysia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Ada sape2 boleh bagitau mane player lame?
Eh2, sorry. maube ada yg xkenal aku. Kalau xkenal, xperlu kenal pun. sebab xpenting pun kenal aku.

Cuma nak tahu je mane pergi semua player lama. rindu nak bermaho dengan mereka.


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16 Day 1,776, 11:07 Published in Malaysia Malaysia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

“What we want and need are representatives who will co-operate across party lines for the betterment of the whole community, who want the whole community to be represented on every committee and have a voice in every decision. We need an end read more »


5 Day 1,566, 14:33 Published in Malaysia Malaysia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello eMalaysia!

The Presidential elections are tomorrow and I'm the candidate of the PARTI KEMAJUAN eMALAYSIA. I was set goals for future in eMy.
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20 Day 1,534, 13:04 Published in Malaysia Malaysia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

yeah!! Wingman Hamallee is back!!
I am back because I want to build up eMy with my old friend.
Sorry coz I 'dissappered' for a long time.
Hope that I can serve better in … read more »