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Filigree Pavements - RL political leaders about eRep

92 Day 1,327, 09:36 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Situation in eRepabliku is very well-known to players, but what would say on that the world's RL statesmen of the twentieth century ...

Stalin (Soviet Union President): This game is an attack on Mother Russia, to its working … read more »

[EDIT] ClioPilot - Kandidatura [GS eBiH]

31 Day 1,321, 04:03 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Nakon dugo razmisljanja odlucio sam da se kanditujem za predjesnika eBosne i Hercegovine ispred novoformirane Građanske Stranke eBiH [GS eBiH]. Na predstojecim izborima cu predstavljat stranku koja je zacrtala sebi u zadatak da ozivi politicku scenu

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36 Day 1,320, 05:07 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Radnickoj klasi, radnim ljudima i GRAĐANIMA, narodima i narodnostima, nacionalistima, demokratama, liberalima, zenama i muskarcima, kokoskama i konjima! Objavljujemo da je danas 1320. dana Novog Svjeta u 05:02 h (eRep vrijeme) osnovana [url=http:/read more »

Filigree Pavements - eJudgement Day [eSudnji dan]

29 Day 1,313, 08:00 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


For almost a year people are announcing the end of eWorld. In RL we are accustomed to looking at the failed prophecies of his evidence was incredibly far-fetched theories ... like .... sun coincided with a small bear in area of … read more »

Filigree Pavements - CASE#: XY-ZJMG-brb-7821 – Q2IY -_-\'

27 Day 1,300, 01:52 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Scroll below for the English version

Ministarstvo Sigurnosti
Odijel za međunarodni kriminal
Kancelarija za borbu protiv Pedofilije

Slucaj: XY-ZJMG-brb-7821 – Q2IY 😑'

Klasifikacija: URGENTNO!!!

Obavjestavamo da … read more »