V2-preparations #2 - Skill-migration

Day 894, 14:34 Published in South Africa South Africa by Calew

This is the second issue of V2-preparations. Today I'll try to help you a bit with deciding which skills you should pick when your current skills are migrated to V2. In case you haven't yet, I recommend that you read these articles before you continue:

V2-preparations #1 - Introduction
[New Economic Module] Professions

Admins have presented 10 new professions for V2 (land workers not included), each of which contributing with something to two or more sectors. Below those will be presented, along with my thought on them.

Producer & Marketing Manager - These professions will affect the increase in health and happiness when using food and moving tickets. However, I believe that they won't be used in any larger scale within the MT-sector. Costumers will only care about the distance the MTs can take them. Still, the food industry will probably boom in V2. Due to gifts disappearing, everyone will need high-Q food.

Carpenter & Architect - These professions will affect the increase in health and happiness when using a house, as well as the effect of hospitals and defense systems (i.e. health-boost and defense bonus). All three of these industries will boom in V2, due to the implementation of durability (gifts disappearing will also affect houses). It's a big advantage that both professions will play an important role in two different industries.

Project Manager - This profession will affect the travel distance of MTs and the Area of Effect (AoE) of hospitals and defense systems. As mentioned before, I believe that travel distance will be the only important attribute in the MT-industry. This means that Project Managers will be the only valuable worker in an industry which will need lots of high-q products, but currently have none. AoE on the other hand, will probably be less important, it won't be useless but it won't be as important as other professions. Countries will prioritize effect over AoE.

Builders - This profession will affect the durability of houses, hospitals and defense systems. As said before these industries will really boom in V2, and no one will want a product which only lasts for a couple of days. So this profession will be important in three different industries, which will be a huge advantage.

Engineer, Mechanic, Fitter & Technician - These professions will affect the accuracy, defense capabilities, damage and durability for rifles, tanks, artillery and helicopters. These attributes will all be important to each industry; I can't determine which of them will be more important than the other, so I'll assume they are equal.
These professions are in my mind overrated, people see it as being able to work in four different industries, but the demand for the four combined won't be higher than the demand for weapons today. Today everyone use weapons, only one fourth will use each type of weapons in V2.
Of course these jobs will be high-paid in the start, with three completely new industries, but when things start getting into balance I believe that the pay will be below average due to the high number of citizens choosing these professions.

Military skills
In V2 we will, instead of strength, be able to choose from four different types of skills; tanks, infantry, artillery and helicopters. Each unit has an advantage over another unit; tanks over infantry, infantry over artillery, artillery over helicopters and helicopters over tanks. Each unit will also have advantages in certain terrains, but as we can not know how this will affect the battle, I will not include that as a factor. Instead I will comment on advantages and disadvantages judging from the current market and how attractive the different units will be to citizens.

Infantry - The greatest advantage about the infantry is that it will for a very long time have access to the cheapest weapons. There are already hundreds of companies selling weapons and thousands of weapons in stock. This means that supply for this product will be much higher than for the products which are starting from scratch, i.e. rifles will be cheaper than the other weapons for a long time, until the market has balanced itself.

Tank - Many people have understood that rifles will be cheap in V2, which means that many will choose infantry as their skill. If you think one step further it's obvious that tanks, which are superior to infantry, will have a whole lot of enemies which they can easily defeat. The disadvantage is of course that their weapons will be more expensive. This is where the citizens must prioritize what they think is more important.

Helicopters - Many people have also understood that tanks will have a lot of prey, so I think that tanks will be the second most common unit. This leaves helicopters in the same situation towards tanks, as tanks towards infantry. They will have a lot of inferior enemies in comparison to their number. Of course, the advantage for tanks in this regard will be higher than the advantage for helicopter. However, due to the lower number of helicopter, the price for their weapons will also be lower. Once again the citizen must prioritize.

Artillery - Artilleries will have a low amount of helicopters to hunt, but a huge amount of infantry hunting them, this makes them the weakest unit in general. But I don't think you should rule out artillery from your options. Think about it, not many will choose artillery due to their general disadvantage in combat; this will make artilleries rare, leading to cheaper weapons. Of course I don't expect you to think that a small price reduction will make up for their big disadvantage in general combat. But notice how I emphasized general combat. Each battle will have a specific outcome. What if the enemy has lined up with an enormous amount of helicopters at a key point of a battlefield, knowing that we lack artilleries. In this scenario you will be the most wanted unit in the whole army, even medium-strength artilleries.

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Thank you for your time.