Day 704, 16:24 Published in USA Pakistan by Max McFarland 2

The eUSA has begun the Final Battle for Canadian Liberation.
Victory will drive Hungary from Canada.
Defeat will result in a Hungarian assault on Manitoba.


Should you need weapons:
1. Nunavut Weapons Request Thread.
2. Also, subscribe to this paper, send me a message w/ your sub #, and I'll send you a weapon.

Should you wish to donate to the war effort:
1. To support young citizens, give to the USA Welcoming Committee.
2. To support old tanks, give to the 1st Armoed Division.
~ #2 is my personal preference; I just donated x20 Q5 Weapons to fund a tank.

"There is no question that PEACE will bring everything they can to this battle. So we must bring everything and then some. Buy gold, borrow gold beg for gold. Find everything you can and use it. I expect every US citizen to put in 15 fights by the end of this battle."
~ President Gaius Julius

"As your Vice President, I am here to tell you that it is time to stop being a nation of savers, and become a nation of spenders. Buy guns, use gifts, berserk, and give guns to your friends. It is imperative that we hold nothing back to win this battle."
~ Vice President Jewitt

How to Berserk
Day One
1. Fight once
2. Gift 10 wellness*
3. Fight 5 Times
4. Heal using your hospital
5. Fight 5 times, down to wellness of 50.**

Day Two
1. Fight once
2. Heal using your hospital
3. Gift yourself*
4. Fight 6 times down to 40-49 wellness
5. Hold fire

Day Three
1. Fight once as directed
2. Heal using your hospital
3. Hold fire until directed otherwise by the Department of Defense

* Depending on your financial situation, you may or may not be able to do this.
** If you have a Q5 house, buy Q5 food. Fight an extra time to a total of 6 addition hits.

Let's meet our Hungarian friends on the Battlefield of Nunvavut. o7

Citizen Max McFarland 2

(original article follows)


I sincerely hope our dear Vice President doesn't mind me quoting him:
"We're just trying to get as much in Top 10 as possible for recognition."

So, let's vote this up the Top 10 immediately.
These five official articles should fill the Top 5:

1. President Gaius Julius
2. Vice President Jewitt
3. Secretary of the Treasury Woxan
4. Secretary of Defense (elect) Kyle321n
5. Department of Defense (pending)
Also, 6. Emerick, Grand Vizier
Also, 7. Citizen Max McFarland 2 😉

This article will be edited with content as soon as more is revealed.

In the meantime, why not enjoy an unofficial music video?
Or, buy a lot of guns. At least 15. Maybe 10 gifts too, or 20!
Or, subscribe to this newspaper and send me your subscription #, so I can give you a gun.
Or, publish this picture in the eUK media.

Cheers. 😉

Citizen Max McFarland 2