The Swedes Admitting Guilt? [Singapore]

Day 560, 08:09 Published in Singapore Belgium by Konrad Neumann

Don’t you hate it as an English speaker that you cannot understand newspapers from different eCountries especially the important ones written by important leaders etc. I do applauded citizen NAR Henry of eSwitzerland which he translated Kalle Holm’s (president of eSweden) article into English. What he wrote is really interesting.

He states at first of their victory over Germany.

“For those of you who haven't noticed, Sweden has assiduously pummeled the Germans for the last 2 weeks with great success. We have conquered Schleswig-Holstein with high-grain, and simultaneously destroyed Germany's only Q5 hospital. Then we conquered the two adjacent regions of Lower Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as a buffer zone. We plan to take a further region from Germany within a few days, so be sure to arm yourself with good weapons for the (hopefully) last battle.”

We conquered Schleswig-Holstein…Lower Saxony, and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The word conquered is indeed interesting. Since many eSwedes claim they have the right eGerman soil, then the word conquered should be liberated. If the eSwedes are temporary occupying the captured regions then they can say they captured or secure the respected regions. The word conquered is indeed interesting since it implies that first eGerman territory are that of eGermans in which eSweden has no rights/ claims in. Also conquered implies that it is not a temporary but something of indefinite and long term. Only empires and states with imperialistic tendencies conquer.

He then talks about the future of Germany.

“Also, Sweden has already made contact with Germany and announced that Sweden intends for Germany to become a semi-sovereign* and self-governing land in the future, and that Sweden has a desire to come to a diplomatic accord with them. The Government is now working on efforts to promote a peace proposal that benefits both parties.
The fact that the U.S. chose to leave the war and be completely neutral, when we explained that we only intend to take one region, is a factor that strengthens Sweden's position in negotiations.”

But is this true? Let’s look at the facts which Habraka Abrivianius sums up really well in his newspaper.

“Germany is to be kept small, so Sweden and Poland will;

Demand that Schleswig-Holstein and Brandenburg remain their possession indefinitely. They will also try to keep as many German regions as possible, not just the High Grains ones. The less regions Germany has, the less income and the less power to try and retake the rest of Germany.

Germany is going to be kept poor, so Sweden and Poland will;

Take all our High Grain regions, so our income is drastically reduced compared to pre-war standards. They will impose huge monthly and set fees on Germany, things like 200-500 Gold a month to be given to Sweden and Poland, so Germany and the Bundeswehr never have a chance to stand up against Swedish and Polish occupation.

Germany is going to be kept isolated, so Sweden and Poland will;

Force Germany to sign MPP's with Sweden and Poland, and forbid Germany to sign MPP's with any other country, this to enforce Germany to be fully dependant from Sweden-Poland for our continued survival. In this scenario, Germany has to constantly suck up to Sweden-Poland, and execute their every wish and command, as they will be the only ones left to defend Germany from a Hungarian/Italian incursion in South-Germany.

Germany is going to be controlled by Sweden-Polan😛

The Swedes-Poles will install friendly Congressmen, Party Presidents and perhaps even a Swedish/Polish President to ensure what's left of Germany is kept in line with Swedish-Polish occupation policy. Every part of the German economy, military, and politics, national and international, will be controlled by the Swedish and Polish invaders to ensure Germany will never stand up to become fully independent ever again.”

If this is true, then eGermany is not the Federal Republic of Germany but an eColony of Germany. They are kept poor, dependent on eSweden and ePoland, they are isolated etc, eGermany is not truly sovereign. While I am sure someone will say this is German propaganda etc, but I think it is not too far from the truth. eGermany will lack high productive regions and we can look at history, eSweden always wanted eGermany to rely on them for their main trade partners and also to be isolated from the rest of eEurope. Economic power is often times just as or even more powerful than political power and economic power can transform into political power. I am not sure about the congressman part of Habraka Abrivianius’s argument but being witness to the PTO attempt on the German Reichstag by the ePoles, this could be a possibility. Regardless, the future of eGermany looks grim as it will be purposely kept down. There might be a state of Germany in existence but it is for show only to disguise or reduce the eGenocide.

He speaks of eCanada in which my opinion is heroes in this conflict.

“Canada, however, has fully shown what they think of Sweden, as their president mostly had apprehensions against Sweden in the war. I ordered the closure of the Swedish Embassy in Canada a week ago, and Canada can expect an equally friendly greeting from Sweden when Canada gets their thumb out of their ass and dares to do something themselves.”

Just because eCanada refuse to appease your imperialistic agenda and sacrifice an ally they are the “bad guys” here. eSweden is acting like a bully here in my perspective since if you are not with us, you are the enemy. Any Star Wars fan here? Only the Sith deals with such absolutes. Therefore, eSweden and Kalle Holm’s idea of an alliance/ treaty is my way or the highway.

He spoke of eUK next.

“UK is a very fragmented country, whose administration wants to be as neutral as possible, and it had excellent communication with Sweden during the war, but their people want to defend Germany until the last drop of blood. I personally do not view the UK as evil, they have helped as best they could, and I am grateful.”

As a citizen of eUK, I am a bit disappointed that we are not “evil” like eCanada. I honestly think eUK and eUSA should remedy the situation by being more united. Last time I checked both eUK and eUSA are democracies. If the government like scrabman and SaraDroz’s administration did not represent the will and interests of the people, we should change leadership in the future election. While I cannot tell you which candidate offers change since it would be unethical on my part to tell who to vote for etc, it is the job of the citizens to do a little research. However, I do plead to all citizens to take this and all election seriously. It is not just a click of a button establishing the foundation of our future. Regardless of how you vote, we need to end the “fragmentation” of our country. Government must remember that it is for the people and by the people.

One more interesting thing I want to say about Kalle Holm’s article.

“It is a pity that it took such a long time to go to war. Almost two full weeks of intensive debate, almost bickering, passed before Sweden banged their fists on the table and declared war without further discussion, after Germany refused our absolute final, tough demands. Had we started within in a decent time frame, the war would have certainly been over today, and I would have used the remaining time to improve the effectiveness of the Swedish administration, generally and militarily.”

Even the president Kalle Holm agrees that their demands on eGermany before the war were tough. The demands of eSweden ranged from land concessions to large sum of monthly gold tributes in which both are unrealistic and unfair. Even Shadowukcs the ATLANTIS Secretary-General thought “it was a joke when I first saw this… How can a country like Germany ever pay that. Even a child knows that a country like eGermany isn’t capable of paying that! Above that they had to give away 1/3th or their territory!!! What sane president would ever agree with such therms? All that for protection? What are we? The mafia????” There is no justification for this war and the only thing that the Swedes hoped was it was sooner.

At this point you either love this article or hate it. For those who likes my article, you might want to aid the Germans, the Ruhr-Gruppe is a good place to help and donate.

For the people that do not like this article, the comment box is down below and please say your mind. Regardless, thank you for reading this article as it is really long.

*Note a few Swedes dispute the translation of semi-sovereign. The following is what they are advocating.

(a) Sweden's intentions for Germany to become a sovereign and self-governing country in the future, and (b) to arrive at a diplomatic accord with them.