Re: English Version is Glitchy, First Day of NAU Taught Me a Lot, TSA

Day 791, 20:10 Published in USA Australia by Justin McCravok

Re = Reply to Last Article
NAU = North American University
TSA = The Salvation Army

Lots of news, but again, I'll make it somewhat brief. With 15 subscriptions, I mean, really?

Red makes the logo look good

Daniel Dodge and I had a discussion albeit a little bit earlier on the faith of TSA. The talks started a few months ago on the faith of America and the Hospitals, but only now is it returning with full steam ahead. Articles from the top members of eRepublik has the nation divided, picking a side. Fortress, Q2, It used to be irrelevant to me. Until today, when I only figured out that the impact of such talks could drastically affect The Salvation Army.

TSA's goal is to get New and Old members to move out of the Wasteland and into the Fortress. But now, with these talks, we don't know our faith. Jude Conner's, the CEO, is upset about the Q2 talks. I personally think it will fail, if passed.

No matter what happens, TSA will be affected. Whether it be shut down, or re-organized, something will happen.

eRepublik is starting to get a little hectic, and the Admins are not helping at all.

My last article was posted 4 times, by accident. The total votes was 5, and I must say I'm impressed. What was the article about? It was about the English Version being glitchy. Irony, I suppose.

This was yesterday afternoon, and it seems that all 4 (!) comments said people were suffering the same problems. Let's face it, the Admins don't listen to us at all. They keep modules we don't like, don't help when certain goals are erased (Frost, Woxan, you are noted), don't reply to our crys. They don't care about us, and as I've said before, they only care about the money.

We ask for one thing, actually, two things: Get rid of the new module, which they obviously will not. Also? GET RID OF THE BUGS! eRepublik has one goal, and it's too provide a completely legible experience to imitate reality. Last I checked, the articles in my real life newspaper didn't contain articles from India. They didn't contain Italian letters. WTF?

It just shows you that you don't have to be a huge corporation to be greedy. You can just be a business, a regular business. I've never seen one of our complaints met with a change, no matter what, simply ignored. Yet, they constantly say they're listening to us.

I swear Electronic Arts does the same thing.

It was a great first day! Dimension is a great teacher.

Today was my first day at North American University. The rather old eRepublik official college gave me a good start, and helped teach me many things.

The only class today was Military, which I originally did not sign up for. But a conflict in sending wrong messages, and my desire to take yet another class (apart from Journalism and World History) led me to be in IRC for the better part of 2 hours. It was a fantastic ride, and I learned a lot about certain strategies. My teacher and I have had conflicts, I've been sent out in the hall (Read as: Muted) several times due to my curiosity. But hell, Dimension does a great job @ teaching. He explained everything perfectly, and I'm sure It'll pay out in the end for me. He's almost like my virtual dad, the way he treats me. No consequences, only less annoyance from a son.

Our homework assignment? 8 sentences on Fighting Styles. No biggy, we didn't really cover it, but it's more common sense then anything. So what did we actually learn about? We learned about Tactics of Armies, MPPs, Borders, and much much more. So thank you everyone who was involved, I look forward to the next class.

I also look forward to Journalism and World History, in the next 2 days, respectively.