NAU Info

Day 772, 15:21 Published in USA USA by Fionia

So, as has been mentioned in a few articles recently, the NAU is currently accepting applications. I have in the past several days, gotten a number of PMs about this, so here is some important information:

* If you've used the GoogleDocs form to sign up for a class, yes, I have received your application. However, I will not be sending out confirmations until at least January 14, which is when registration will close.
* There is no tuition charge.
* The teachers will decide when/how often their classes will be held. That's not my decision to make.
* If you have signed up for any classes, and have not already registered an IRC name, go to this link. If I am there, you can ask me directly, but if I am not, there are directions in the channel topic for how to register.
* Also, besides registering for an IRC name, you need to log in to the NAU site itself. The site is API-based, meaning you log in with your eRepublik name and password. The teachers will, while the class is going on, post information there.
* To see the information for a class on the NAU site, you need an enrollment key. Don't worry about that yet. You will get a PM from the teacher once they have received their class lists, and that PM will include the enrollment key.
* If you are not currently in Congress, do not sign up for New Senator Orientation. That class runs on a separate schedule from the NAU in general. If you are interested in politics, let me know, and I can bring the Politics class back for the next term.

If you have any questions not addressed here, feel free to PM me or visit the NAU channel, and talk to me there.