Glovious McCravok for PotUS

Day 1,186, 19:32 Published in USA Australia by Justin McCravok
Ladies and gentlemen of the United States,
As you may or may not know, my friend Glove is running for President of the United States of America this March. Glove is a long time friend of mine, and him and I go way back, as far as to a few months before we ran for president that one time with a total joke campaign and actually almost made the ballot. Almost. But not quite.

Who is Glove? Glove is a symbolical figure, representing love and Max McFarland. With a fan base one can only dream of, Glove is a multiple time Media Mogul, Multiple-Time IES Director, Deputy Chief of Staff, Honorably Discharged TC Member, Ex-Cavalaryman, and just a great guy to hang out around. He makes this game exciting for me, one of the only players who can actually do so, and he gives out free stuff like Q5 Tanks. He bought it with his jew gold,, but don't tell the Admin.

With all the cheesy talk aside, I am not running for President this month. My goals over the course of the previous month have changed, especially after the rigorous and tiring presidential campaign. I just don’t feel I have it in me to try again so soon, oh no, definitely not. I don’t know how Cromstar or Claire did it. Props to them for running month after month and not giving up, like seriously, that stuff’s hard.

However, there’s something I’d like to address concerning Glove’s campaign. Just because I’m not running for President doesn’t mean I can’t be Vice President, right?

And thus, I announce that Glove has offered me the position of Vice President in his presidential cabinet. When he first approached me about it, I was doubtful. I had thought I would want to run for President again, maybe give it another shot. But then I thought about it, and then I thought about it more. And, well, Vice President would be the perfect opportunity for me to explore the different fields of National Politics, to get a little more involved in other branches and departments and general executive management. So I accepted.

Therefore, this March, I will be running alongside Glove as he takes on the challenge of running for President of the United States. It’s going to be an uphill climb, but the two of us are psyched for the challenge, and we can’t wait to get our campaign going. It’s going to be a blast, win or lose.

Let’s talk for a moment about personal experience. I have been Secretary of the Interior for over three terms, and I have served a single term as Deputy Chief of Staff. I ran for President last month focusing on domestics and touching up on my lack of experience in foreign affairs and media presence. So, what have I done to combat my weaknesses? For one, I’ve taken to it to start writing more meaningful articles. My first article under this ideology netted me 70 subscriptions, and it was about the Croatia-PANAM situation with Brazil. The next article was me writing about Americans in the international presidential field of play, and then an article about Gulden Draak, and then an article about the Spain-Brazil war. So, really, I’ve tried it all, and have tried to find a solid balance in my writing. Overall, I’ve netted almost 100 subscribers in half a month, something that I feel I can be proud of, and something that has vastly improved my writing, grammar, and foreign policy knowledge and understanding. It's also helped me type faster. I think I'm averaging 110 Words a Minute now. 10 Page Research Project? Done in an hour.

I have been recently serving as UIP Secretary of Elections and Regional Ambassador for Eastern Europe, as well as attempting to associate myself more with international citizens and important figureheads. This all ties into what my weaknesses were last month, and coming into March, I can say to myself that I’m a more rounded eRep player then I was the month prior. I’ve learned a lot, and it's going to help me dozens over the next few months. Dozens.

Glove is a new generation player. The man hasn’t been executive more than a few times, and he doesn’t have the experience of some past presidents (Colin, Hamilton, Mizu/GoalieBCSCS). However, experience isn't everything. It takes dedication and hard work to get to be president, and over the past few months, with Glove’s work in inner party politics, congress and IES, he’s proven he has what it takes to be a great President. He’s got the right ideas and the right personality for the job, and let’s face it, the dude is Love. He's got a vision and he knows his game mechanics, as exhibited by his recent intention to run Presidential article. He knows how things work and how to get them done, and you don't need tons of executive government experience for that. You just don't. Executive experience is valuable, but think about it, some of the greatest presidents didn't sit in the executive for months before becoming president. In where Glove lacks or has minor weaknesses, I make up for that, and any loopholes will be covered by those we know who will help lead this nation through these troubled times

We know what our weaknesses are, and to me that’s a good thing, because we’re able to deal with them accordingly. We will attack Glove’s weaknesses with strengths. We will fill the adviser and upper cabinet positions with top talent that has led America many months previously. But, this is the thing, America. The newer players of our fine nation aren’t getting the proper recognition they deserve for the effort that they put in. That’s why Glove and I have talked it out and decided that We will renovate the entire cabinet structure, placing a prosperous, potentially future president in every single position excluding Adviser, Chief of Staff, and Minister of Foreign Affairs. We value new generation talent, but in these turbulent times we seek stability as well, hence our reasoning to ensure top and critical positions with those already well experienced in those respective fields. America, It’s going to be, in one word, incredible.

And don’t worry, we’ll do better then Haliman did. At the end of Hali’s term, many said that his goals in creating a new America had failed under his reign, with veterans mostly leading the charge towards the end of the month. Glove will not let that happen. The two of us will introduce several new positions and will expand the cabinet to allow for a higher influx of talent with several deputies, making it almost impossible for us to have to rely on a veteran player to take charge. I won’t go into more details on how and what exactly we will do, and will let Glove explain the rest, but be on the lookout. You can subscribe to Glove's newspaper by clicking here.

Thank you for your time today America, and remember, a vote for Glove is a vote for Love.

I couldn't resist