Country President Elections

Day 1,443, 14:12 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

Hello all, we are nearly there. November 2011 Country President elections, wow what a race so far. We had Pretoria occupied, prisoners breaking out of prison, Parties joining and running together.

Weird? Not really welcome to the land of repeats – Nelson Mandela left prison and ran for president, Malema and his cronies striked for Zuma to be president and patricia de lille joined Helen zille and ran for president – RL life eSA. I love it.

So I sat back, and thought who am I going to vote for? Simply? Not really, so I took it a step further, why not ask them why I should vote for them?

I did and this is what I found out.

See if you agree with my first impression after the interviews

Had3z – “To the point”, simply and presice.

Rico Sauve– “ The mind reader”, answered questions before I asked, not just a pretty face.

Chubbzilla – “Experienced”, more than just a sheep shagger.

Nesako – PTOer candidate (Bang! Shot fired! El Fidel stands with gun in hands, clearly not a PTOer says Lord Gunrae…friends…)

Well lets go for it.

Rico - Foreign Affairs

Enriche – Wait let me ask the question first. (How did he know?)

Enriche - What is your view on foreign affairs? Any changes?

Chubbzilla - Foreign affairs will remain much that same. Stay with the Eden/Terra side. Continue our relationship with Brazil and our Southern cross members. (said with a sheep in each arm.)

Rico - Foreign Affairs - Previous administrations have done a remarkable job. The CSC is a great initiative, a place where eSA has her own voice. Our choice to align ourselves with TERRA has been beneficial in every aspect. If I win the elections there will be no change of direction. (Starts signing autographs)

Had3z - My view is that foreign affairs, is a key point to a strong country. Keep your ally's close and then there will be no destruction. Changes No... What I will do is to keep our current relationships and also make new ones. (Nick Jones nods in a agreement)

Rico – Domestic …

Enriche – Wait!

Enriche - What is your view on Domestic affairs? Any changes? (Enriche gives signal to sniper on roof to stay alert for candidate who trashes MoDA)

Had3z - I believe all the people in eSa have the right to know what is going on. Even if you don't want anything to do with politics this is what keeps all citizens up to date with current MPP's, Laws etc. At current stage I know there is allot of news papers going out from the Ministry so I won't change this and I REALLY LOVE Enriche’s paper…(Alright he didn’t say that but had to try.)

Rico - Domestic Affairs - Wil and his team are doing a great job (Enriche strokes Wil and Don’s ego). The community feels more vibrant both in-game and on the national forums. This may well increase our population and work wonders with player retention.

Chubbzilla - It's important to have information in-game for players. Having a connection through the media and PMs(personal message) to new players will get them interested in this game. I absolutely think the MoDA is important for getting and keeping births. Plus, you guys help us have fun.(Enriche hands Chubbs a SHEEP eating a naartjie)

Rico – What about security…

Enriche – Noooooooo…(Enriche gives up and puts on Magneto’s Helmut no more mind reading!)

Enriche - What is your view on Security of eSA? Any changes?
(advert – “for the best security get a new trellidor”)

Rico - Security - eSA staved off a PTO attempt during the congressionals. Due to our low numbers MoS need to keep constant watch for further threats. MoS has done this in an exemplary way. Security without promoting widespread panic. There are only a few individuals capable of running MoS, fortunately one of them has agreed to take on the job if I win. (Is it Gary?)

Chubzilla - I dont want to change something that isn't broken. We will continue to keep out PTOers and get rid of multis. These things are in high priority for me. I will also try and coordinate ATO measures with the upcoming PP elections to keep PTOers out of the less numerous parties. (I think the PP KK RTYZ FKRS…acronyms)

Had3z - Security is one of the most important parts in the Government. I see it this way, if it wasn't for the Security eSa would have been PTO every term. From what I saw we are working on a strong system. (Tenshibo smiles from eUSA … Ha)

Enriche - What is your view on Defense of eSA? Any changes? (smiles helmut working)

Had3z - The Defense of our country is good but not great. We are only a few people in eSa but with our MPP's we are great. I would say we start helping people to boost their strength and to be able to fight more, that way we can get the defense of eSa itself stronger.(Enriche approves steroids shipment, Assegai here we come)

Chubbzilla - MPPing with countries that can supply a high number of damage will help us. I also think the continuation of funding for Assegai is key for providing damage for our defense.

Rico - Defense - The game is mainly about fighting. While I would like to change this it is beyond my control. Wherever neccessary I'd like to see increase funding for eSAAF. We will want to recruit more soldiers to make our impact on allies battlefields even greater.

Enriche - Is their something that will set your CP term apart from other terms. Explain in some detail.


I cannot stress enough that my activity level, compared to the others, is extremely high. During the week days i am on irc from 8-9 erep time till about 17:00 erep time. On weekends I am on later but it depends. I am on IRC everyday and im always available to chat with someone that is in need of help. Its also good to note from my numerous times being MoFA and VP I have many connections with countries abroad and this is always helpful.


Well quite a tricky question. I will say what I will do differently then other Cp terms is to get all the new players personally more involved in eSa. I think this game can be complex for new players and that is where our future power lies.

Rico Sauve

I've been going on about transparency, efficiency and diversity.

Transparency during my administration will mean access to everyone wherever possible without threatening national security. It will mean including the general public by way of regular progress reports from all the ministeries.

Efficiency is equal to a simple chain of command. The ministeries will have the reigns in their respective fields, working on tasks agreed upon beforehand. I will be ultimately accountable though.

Diversity will be evident in my choice for cabinet. I will also want Domestic Affairs to work on encouraging citizen to take up politics. The political map of eSA is pretty bland to be honest. We need to get a political debate going, it will make this a more interesting country to live in.

I just realized you haven't asked me any questions yet 🙂 (Takes away Enriche’s naartjie)

I’m glad that is over, but I don’t think it is. What we have here is three very different candidates, all with their own strengths. But what is clear no matter who wins eSA in good hands. I see a great new month in our history. Looking forward to it.

So go vote and be counted, promote democracy, Viva eSA Viva.
