Closure - The end of training war with Sweden

Day 1,466, 11:13 Published in Norway Norway by T Cherub
Hi friends and allies

A true story

Today Sweden decided to end whatever arrangements we had with them. According to Sweden, we ended it yesterday when we attacked Nord-Norge, a region dear to Sweden. I spent several hours today trying to explain this was merely a practical choice outlined by me and the Swedish minister of Defense (aka Lovestar). After all, we were handing over the initiative to Sweden in case we needed help to get rid of a region during the day of Congress election. It made perfect sense to me at the time, but I must have been drunk.

Today, I learned my attack was an outrages act. Apparently, Sweden had a hard time defending Nord-Norge yesterday. I did not know. Yesterday, I spent the entire day pointing our national Military Unit (200 players over 7 regiments) to various locations around the eWorld. In addition, I was pointing national orders away from Nord-Norge and Trøndelag. I've been told by Parsons that I am doing a lousy job, since soldiers from EDEN or pro-EDEN nations fought in Nord-Norge. Oh well, I guess Sweden just needed some incentive to end this so called training. Seems more like a charade to me.

Not impressed - Not at all

Mission impossible ends

I'm sorry Norway! I'm sorry for trying to work out some sort of arrangement with Sweden, letting them train in our regions while you had to fight elsewhere, even while you rather wanted to defend Norway with tears of blood.

There is in fact only one way this would work, and that is by the Swedish design:

- We would leave EDEN
- We would not sign ANY Military Protection Pact (unless some (pro-) ONE nation offered it - as if)

So if the choice is between annihilation by sticking up for EDEN, or by following the offers outlined by Sweden, the choice has already been taken. It might be a choice between cholera or plague, but we're sticking with the one that hurts the less. Yes, being a puppet nation for Sweden would be the end of the game for more than just me, and the Danes would vouch for that.

Norway has about 20 allies around this world. Given this, it is very hard for Sweden to loan regions from us. Even though I tell EDEN those regions are Swedish for now, and even though I make sure our orders point out, both MU and national orders, there will be players who can't resist the notion of fighting Swedes. Blame it on Karma, or blame it on me doing a lousy job not hunting down anyone not leaving the poor Swedes alone. The alliances we have enables soldiers from all those nations to easily fight for Norway against Sweden, despite whatever being posted as articles, on walls, and so on. Yea, Karma sux. I've done my part, and anyone claiming I haven't can get bent.

The beast - from east

Let's cut to the chase, Sweden is filled with soldiers who are tired of "training" in Norway. There's no fun in that. It is better to have a "real" war with Norway, after all, it will be an easy match for Sweden. So whatever happened today has probably less to do with whatever "stupidity" or "shortcomings" they lay on me, and more to do with a grander picture. We are watching the true beast, as it cuts its way through Norway (jag norrbaggarna til fjelltopporna). So when Sweden is done with us, they can focus on helping ONE instead of train on our grounds. Let's see how the game evolves from there.

Good game, Sweden - søta bror.

Thank you for reading!

President of Norway
Tommy / Cherub