Change at the top

Day 691, 08:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Hello eUK citizens. As you are probably aware the new Prime Minister of the eUK has been elected... congratulations Mr Woldy.

As happens every term the cabinet for this month has been anounced and there are some changes, so the new people at the top are:

Minister of Defence and Foreign Affairs: Necrosis
Minister of Defence: Accalia
Minister of Foreign Affairs: AltmerVampire
Minister of Work: John Forseti
Minister of Trade: Iain Keers
Minister of Finance: DillTheDog
Minister of Legisative Affairs: John Bartlett
Minister of Home Affairs: Nice Guy Eddie

Which brings us to the topic of this article, I am the new Minister of Home Affairs, Nice Guy Eddie. please do contact me with questions on how the ministry can help you.
MoHA's job is to ensure we have a large population of informed, educated and active citizens. We've a big team working beind the scenes to make eUK the best country to be in. The main guys helping me this month are:

Underminister of Entertainment - Lord Weiis
Underminister of Advertising - GGRyan
Underminister of Media - Karacticus
Underminister of Wiki - malta_1990
Underminister of MassPMs - widdows9000

MoHA - Nice Guy Eddie

Don't forget to check out and subscribe to these government papers to keep up to date:
The Prime Minister
Ministry of Defence
National Newspaper Association