About EPIC's Presidential Nomination

Day 1,505, 20:09 Published in Canada Canada by Kronos Q

This month, EPIC should not be nominating anyone for President. Why? Read on.

The Egalitarian Party of Independent Canadians (ie. EPIC) has a tradition of always allowing our members to have a say in our decisions. The biggest example of this is our monthly Country President Primary Vote, where our members decide who EPIC nominates for the Presidential elections.

We do this by using the Instant-Runoff Voting method, where we ask every single one of our members to rank the Presidential candidates. This method has been very successful , and so we've kept it up for the past year and a half. Yes, that's right, 18 months; here's our very first article about it. That isn't to say that it's been perfect, as there have been various blunders by numerous Party Presidents, myself included, over the months. But overall, it's well-liked by our party (and others).

This month, there was no CP Primary Vote. As far as I can tell, there didn't seem to be any sort of blunder about it either. We haven't really heard from our PP about it. One thing he did post though, was this quote, which comes from Addy Lawrence's campaign topic on the EPIC forums:

"Noticing a severe lack of Pimp in these kabinets. I don't think we're doing the 4 step vote this term because we don't seem to be as active. At any rate, I think it's a waste of time for something so small as a nomination, so I'll get around to putting up some sort of poll this weekend when I get a chance so we can get an official nomination in a couple days or so."

It's true that EPIC hasn't been as active this month, but by not continuing our Primary Vote tradition, that only makes us even less active. Also, along with Congressional elections, the Presidential nomination is the biggest thing a party does. I don't know of any party that does anything more important than that. But please, feel free to correct me. A forum poll may have given some legitimacy to a nomination, but there has not been one of those this month either.

Anyway, that's the reason. This article is meant to explain why EPIC should not be nominating in the upcoming elections, and to hopefully get the attention of our PP, PimpDollaz, so he can answer the question I asked him two days ago.