Country President Primary Vote

Day 952, 08:42 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

This presidential election, EPIC is going to trial a form of Alternative Voting where the members of the party will decide on the person that we will endorse for the Country President elections.

For this election, no candidate will be endorsed by the party until they receive 50% of the vote. This may sound strange, but the Alternative Vote System allows for multiple votes on each ballot, with only one being taken account of at any one time.

At present, there are 7 candidates that we will be able to endorse. You, as members of EPIC, will be asked to rank the candidates in order of your preference from 1st (being the most preferred) to 7th (being the least preferred).

In order to vote, you will need to send your preference to the EPIC Party of Canada organization.

The votes will then be distributed based on preference of candidate.

Initially, the #1 preference of each voter will be tallied. If a single candidate has an absolute majority of votes (50% + 1 vote), they will win the primary and be our endorsed candidate. If this is not the case, the bottom ranked candidate will be discarded, and the voters who listed that person as their #1 preference will have their #2 preference allocated to the respective candidates. This will be repeated until one has an absolute majority.

You are not required to rank all candidates, but we recommend you rank all candidates that you are aware of.

In a personal message sent from the organization, we will include a link to another article where you will be able to read a little about each candidate and their presidential platforms.

The voting period will start at 21:00 eRepublik time on Tuesday and will last for 48 hours. Polls will close at 21:00 eRepublik time on Thursday.

If you have any questions regarding the voting process, please contact this organization and we will answer your questions to the best of our ability.