[UK Gov] Mentoring - Be A Part of It

Day 1,126, 13:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office
This is a public service announcement from the Ministry of Home Affairs. Don’t forget to vote and subscribe. We need your votes!

Hello there new citizens of the eUK! Over the next couple of day, weeks, months and possibly even years that you will spend on this mildly addictive game, you may suddenly face a host of difficult mechanics that are completely bamboozling during your infancy stages of the game, and thus struggle to understand and even integrate with the country’s community.

However, we here at the Ministry of Home Affairs want to ensure you that there is no need to worry! The eUK Mentoring Department can tell you that you are not the only one with countless thousands across the eWorld every day in a similar predicament of finding it difficult to grasp the gaming mechanics.

The eUK Mentoring Department is prepared to guide you through the early stages of the game, teaching you basic and more complex principles of the game, whilst guiding you towards relevant sources of information and establishments that will make your time in game a lot smoother. I can honestly say that I (McAfee01) used the eUK Mentoring Programme when I first started out, and with its support being one of the major reasons why I remained in game.

The eUK Mentoring Programme has successfully been in place since April, comprising of a small, dedicated team of mentors who are more than happy to guide you through your first voyage into the New World. We can assure you that your experience learning from our distinguished and highly recognisable mentors will be helpful and intricate, and feedback from participants is always positive.

If you participate in the scheme, we can guarantee:
- You will get a quick response to your request
- You will be assigned a competent and knowledgeable mentor
- You will have direct mentoring and won’t be referred to other people
- You will be mentoring with understandable explanation, and not just given Wiki links
- You will have learned more about the UK community and why it’s important to be a part of it
- You will have benefitted from the experience and had all of your queries resolved

If you wish to take part in the Mentoring Scheme, please apply for a mentor by filling out this form here.

Thank you and we hope you enjoy your eRepublik experience!

uM Mentoring (Ministry of Home Affairs)

Kevy Kev Kev Junior Shabado
Minister of Home Affairs