[RO/EN]The reason of contemporary existence of eHungarian State

Day 663, 01:33 Published in Romania Romania by newcx7

ROMANIAN and ENGLISH translation.


Ratiunea existentei statului eMaghiar contemporan

Incerc, prin articolul de fata, sa exprim o serie de consideratii legate de un articol scris de marginaldefeat cu cateva zile in urma.
Articolul, in esenta, incerca sa defineasca directiile viitoare ale expansiunii maghiare si sa calmeze spiritele agitate de chestiunea razboiului civil din Burgenland.
Articolul mi-a confirmat, inca o data, esenta politicii militare a Ungariei, dincolo de comentariile din presa maghiara si romana care lasa, uneori, sa scape doar informatii disparate.

Eungaria actuala s-a nascut dintr-un conflict si, cel mai probabil, va sfarsi in mod asemanator. Nu atat pierderea unor regiuni istorice cat mai ales acutizarea unor sentimente importate din RL (prin intermediul extremistilor intrati in joc) au determinat apropierea eUngariei de eIndonezia (ca efect al principiului „dusmanul dusmanului meu este prietenul meu”.
Ulterior, eUngaria s-a folosit de forta militara a eIndoneziei pentru recuperarea teritoriilor istorice aflate sub ocupatie romana. Sa nu uitam ca, la acel moment, baby-boom-ul maghiar furniza doar useri cu strength scazut. Multi, e drept, insa cu strength-ul suficient de mic pentru a nu influenta in mod simtitor rezultatul unei lupte, oricare ar fi fost aceasta.

In dorinta de a evita un baby-boom romanesc, ungurii nu au atacat regiunile istorice ale eRomaniei, desi au avut oportunitatea de a o face: a fost o ocazie unica pentru ei pe care, din fericire, au ratat-o. Dupa WSR, eRomania a pierdut prin abandon aproape 2000 de soldati cu strength mediu, exista o disolutie a autoritatii puterii executive, unii lideri militari fusesera banati, deci existau conditiile ideale pentru a ocupa, cu costuri reduse, intreaga Romanie.
Ungaria a considerat ca ne vom distruge singuri, din interior, si pentru o vreme am crezut si eu ca asa va fi. Vanatoarea de vrajitoare, acuzele reciproce, lipsa coordonarii, abandonul, pierderea regiunilor cu raw materials high, prabusirea economiei, devalorizarea, pierderea catorva sute de firme ramase in teritoriile pierdute am facut ca, pentru aproape 2 luni, eRomania sa fie tinta perfecta chiar si pentru bulgari, daca acestia si-ar fi dorit, macar un moment, sa ne atace.
Aceasta ocazie a fost pierduta de eUngaria o data pentru totdeauna.

In momentul de fata, se pare ca Ungaria incape cu greu in actualele granite.
Extremistii fac presiuni din ce in ce mai mari asupra conducerii maghiare.
Este relevant un pasaj din articolul lui marginaldefeat: “So my answer about Kampec's question: "do we need hungarian extremists?"Yes,we need them.We need them,we need Shaok,Kampec,we need Feherlo,we need every hungarian player fo fulfill our dream,and capture Croatia and Romania.”.

Este momentul sa ne pregatim de lupta.
Consider ca un atac maghiar impotriva Romaniei (singurul care poate sa reorienteze energiile acumulate in interior catre vesnicul inamic din afara – Romania) este iminent.
Ma astept ca acest atac sa se produca cel mai curand luna aceasta, cand lucrurile se vor clarifica pe deplin pe frontul american si pe cel spaniol.

Strangeti arme, strangeti bani.
Adunati-va prietenii in jurul vostru, consolidati legaturile cu aliatii.
Vremuri tulburi se apropie.



I try through this article, to express my considerations concerning an article written by marginaldefeat few days ago .
That article, in its essence, try to define future directions of eHungarian expansion and calm troubled spirits in the issue of civil war in Burgenland.
The article confirms once again the essence of the eHungarian military policy, beyond the comments found in the eHungarian and eRomanian press that leave, sometimes, to escape only scattered information.

Nowadays Hungary is born from conflict and most likely will end up in a similar way. Not the loss of historic regions, but RL-imported feeling (via extremists come into play) led eHungary near the eIndonesia ( as the effect of the principle "my enemy's enemy is my friend".
Subsequently, eUngaria has used military force of eIndonesia to recover its historical territories being under eRomanian occupation. Let us remember that, at that time, Hungarian baby boom only provided users with low strength. They are many, it is true, but their strength was sufficiently low to only significantly affect the result of a fight, whatever that fight was.

In the desire to avoid a eRomanian baby boom, the eHungarians have not attacked eRomanian historical regions, although they had the opportunity to do so: it was a unique opportunity for them which, fortunately, they missed it. After WSR, eRomania lost by abandonment nearly 2,000 soldiers with superior strength, and we must count even the dissolution of the authority of executive power, the ban of some military leaders, a.s.o, so conditions were ideal to deal with low cost, all of Romania.
eHungary bets that we will destroy ourselves from the inside, and for a while I thought that they were right. Hunting for witches, mutual accusations, lack of coordination, abandonment, loss of regions with high raw materials, economic collapse, devaluation, losing hundreds of companies left in the lost territories, all of this make that, for almost 2 months, eRomania to be the perfect target even for eBulgaria, if eBulgarians considered, even one moment, to attack us.
This opportunity was lost by eHungary once and for all.

In present times it seems that eHungary hardly fit in its existing borders.
Extremists increasingly make high pressure on the eHungarian leadership.
The relevant passage from marginaldefeat's article is: "So my answer about Kampec's question:" do we need Hungarian extremists? "Yes, we need them.We need them, we need Shaok, Kampec, we need Feherlo, we need every Hungarian player FOR fulfill our dream, and capture and Croatia and Romania ."

It is time to get ready for the fight.
I believe that an eHungarian attack against eRomania (the only thing who can redirect the energy accumulated inside eHungary to the eternal enemy from outside - eRomania) is imminent.
I expect this attack to take place, probably this month, when things will be clear on the American/Spanish front.

Raise your weapons, collect your money.
Gather your friends around you, consolidate the connections with the allies.
Times of trouble are coming.
