Quo Vadis Hungary&PEACE? How can we win the world war?

Day 659, 15:42 Published in Indonesia Hungary by Marginaldefeat

This time only an english version,I have a hungarian+english in a same article,please vote that one as well if you liked it🙂

Welcome my friends🙂

The reason,why I wrote this article is simple:
We all knows what happened at the weekend,civil war in Hungary in Burgenland...
I would like to answer to Kampec,who published an article,where he aske😛 "Do we really need hungarian extremists?"
And then I would like to read my opinion,the situation now,and some good alternatives and oportunites about the future of Hungary and PEACE GC.

First of all...Really EVERYBODY went crazy in Hungary?🙂
To be honest, I have been playing erepublik now for 10months,and this weekend- might be the saddest one in my whole erep carrier.
I had to see when hundreds of our players called each other traitor,idiot,or much worse🙁
And these comment were among the good ones for 2 straight days,that was really embarrasing and frustrating to me🙁
Of course,it did'n matter if somebody fought and supported for the red or green side,the people from the other side called him....I think everybody can imagine what🙂
I don't want to write about that this episode showed clearly why Hungary have a lot of problem unfortunately in IRL,because I could write thousands of pages about this.
I just would like to say I supported which side.
I supported the red,of course.🙂 And..the white one.And finnaly the green as well🙂
(colours of hungarian flag are red,white and green😁
Unity in diversity🙂 That's what I would really like🙂 I hope it's a known feeling in Indonesia🙂
So my answer about Kampec's question: "do we need hungarian extremists?"
Yes,we need them.We need them,we need Shaok,Kampec,we need Feherlo,we need every hungarian player fo fulfill our dream,and capture Croatia and Romania.

I think it's time to face (everbody have to)we are not perfect at all🙂So does everybody else,of course.
It's the high time (if we are not able to do it in IRL in Hungary) to at least in the game-
-we RESPECT each other and we need MUCH MORE patience as well.
Even our enemies deserve respect,so why we are not with each other?
I think we all want a strong,a successful and a kind if Hungary when we all enjoy to come to the chat,and a members of a great community.
And we don t want it again...Never...Our tools can be different,and opinions as well,but our goal is the same,and this is the most important in my opinion,what we shall never forget.

And just a few sentences about the aliance,called PEACE GLOBAL COMMUNITY.
This aliance celebrated the first birthday just a few weeks ago.
We survived many things in the last year,and we won the last war against Atlantis,and we nearly completely defeated Eden&Fortis as well,we needed just one more step.
I think while hungarian society needs peace,Hungary needs PEACE🙂
And of course,Peace need Hungary as well.
So I think the article what Chuckcha wrote about Burgenland was a mistake.
And the article from Kampec too,but...what others told him and some famous hungarian players...yes,you can guess,was a mistake as well,and a much bigger one🙂
We need different opinions,and criticism as well,and don t have to agree in everything.
However,what happened in the weekend,and the behaviour of some people..I really think it was a shame,and we don 't need it again,and who feel is not able to stop it,we don't need them.

Well,since we postponed the siege of Florida,our north american campaign had some major setback.To be honest,nowadays defeats follow defeats.
But the situation is not hopeless at all.
We just have to give some time to our new military leadership,and have to be patient.
Sometimes some experienced players who led an army feel we can do something better,but I believe our new guys had the knowledge,the just have a lack of experience.
And we have to give some time to PEACE GC (however,we don t have much time left if we want to really win the war),we just need a new SC badly,who can organize and coordinate things again.
He have to be a very good tactician as well,bcause for now,we are facing some difficulties,and a chaos instead of order.
The only thing we need,to take the initiative again.
With the new Columbian block,Russia only have to win a battle,and then they counterattack USA.
And if Canada will be blocked as well,and Hungary can attack again,so we will able to use the brutal damage of our population,I think another turning point will come.
The total damage by peace countries it's simply bigger than combined damage of Eden+Fortis countries,so we don t need to panic,just need to regain the initiative instead.

Finally,I would like to thank our president,Imre Norbert who trusted me and appointed me as an adcvisor and gave me access to peace-warroom,so I hope I can do something now to help solve the situation and the problems we face.
And just 2clips/song,first one is mainly for hungarians and about Hungary, (it's worth to see everyone anyway) if somebody see and hear it...I think he will feel something in his/her heart.
The second one,well....if everybody accept my advise and ideas,I bet we can feel this again what the song is about🙂

Here they are:


I hope you enjonyed my article,please vote+sub+comment it.
Let's kick our enemies's (romanians,usa,croatians)ass,and make some noise again🙂
Viva la Hungary, and Peace GC, Peace at home,peace in the worl😛)