[ORDERS] - DAY 1116

Day 1,116, 10:40 Published in Japan Japan by Squibeel

First of all i would like to redirect everyone to a message from our great Emperor.HERE

Thanks everyone who helped and fought, without all participants and donators we couldn't have done it. Hope you guys got a chance at a Battle Hero medal because i lost mine.

Orders right now is REST, CELEBRATE and GET READY.
eSouth Korea has lost the initiative, the border is back to Chugoku and next battle can be triggered at any minute.

Remember our Battle Anthem!

Would also like to inform that the JEC is back so give it a read and the MoD is still recruiting!
Apply HERE to join the Japanese Imperial Army!

Again thanks! And that's all for now folks!

JIA Avatar Templates are back aswell! We are now re-using the old creations by the mighty Tanaka, the avatar creator who left us with these relics. After being accepted in JIA you'll be able to ask for one.
Example (what mine would look like) :


Congressman of Kyushu