[JEC]Japanese Election Commission revived!

Day 1,115, 10:29 Published in Japan Japan by virusxpl

Hello citizens of eJapan! I'm virusxpl your new appointed Chief of Japanese Election Commission (JEC) and I want to have some talk with you. First thing is:

JEC - What's that?

Japanese Election Commission is a government organization created in purpose of ensuring that elections in our country will be fair and square and to fight PTO when it's needed.
And so you people are coming here: JEC is currently recruiting people ready to secure eJapan from PTO. If you want to start your adventure with eJapan politics and government you should join JEC.
For now, I'm only require your votes during elections (Congressional and for Country President, also for Party Presidents if there will be need). All of votes counts because we are small nation so even ONE vote might decide who is going to be in congress or be President.

So if YOU want to join JEC pm me and I will give you instructions what to do next.

Also there is JEC section on our national forums: HERE
And applications threa😛 HERE
If you are new to forums you should sign up THERE so you can receive Citizen mask of forums.

There is one more thing: I'm organizing contest for new JEC logo. I will write the details soon, but I want to inform you that there will be gold as a prize, so you can already think about this new logo 😉.

That's all I have to say for now.
Join JEC - Help eJapan!

virusxpl - Chief of Japanese Election Commission