[MoHa] What we've been up too..

Day 666, 09:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

The MoHa do a lot of work behind the scenes, as well as the obvious. For example, this week, we’ve been Pm’ing the workers to ‘hostile’ companies, and have began to Pm everyone with under 80 wellness, with handy advice on what they need to do to get back on the right track. Prior to this we’ve ran information campaigns, which resulted in government papers seeing substantial rises in subscribers.

Our Regional co-ordination team has been badgering on, so if you’re a member of a regional council it would be great to get in touch with Joachim Von Bremen or John Bartlett to help us get through the initial stages of our cooperation operation.

Our media team has been very busy too, working round the clock in order to launch the NNA’s new award scheme, and announce the top 15 favourite papers.

Our wiki team have been busy.. wiki-ing.


Time to offer some light advice, many articles have been written advising you on issues such as wellness, government, and fighting. We have a new range of articles planned for regular release, so keep your eyes open for them. For now, I have a few handy tips that you can use, to improve your standard of elife.

1. If you’re low on wellness, fight once and use the hospital. Don’t fight again ‘til the next day. If your wellness is below 40, try asking a friend to gift you, or use a higher quality food until you can fight again.

2. New players shouldn’t shy away from advice, check new players guides to help get on your feet.

3. Join the Forums! We’re approaching the Congress elections, so no doubt lots of people will be running and writing manifestos. My GOLDEN advice to candidates is to make sure you are on the forums. If you aren’t, you’ll be missing out on a lot of what congress actually do, and you’ll be missing out on the backing of your party. – The forums is the to get in the know regarding the UK’s politics. Knowledge you gain here will allow you to be a great politician, so get involved and join us on the forums.

Regarding Mannimarco..

We removed the naughty naughty boy from the MoHa when we discovered that he had stolen money from the Irish Treasury.

Ireland always has been and always will be a great ally to the eUK. I speak for all of us when I say do not allow the actions of the individual to harm relations between our two nations.

Mr Woldy, MoHa.


This week in the MoHA entertainment we have alot of things going on
The eUK Domestic Cricket League is in Full swing with the leagues and team form beginning to take shape

Check it all out here http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=182&t=12020
And stay up to date by subscribing to this newspaper http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/the-euk-domestic-league-181239/1

Many eUKers have begun to play diplomacy so if you think you could lead a country to victory or just want to stab someone in the back look for some fellow players here http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=182&t=17519

The MoHA caption competition is still going strong so join the fun and have a laugh

And last but not least region wars is now getting full MoHA support so check out the thread here http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=188 or contact my man inside Lord Weiis for details

Region wars is exactly what is says on the tin – direct competition between regions in a spamfest/vote war.

Yours, Robalbinio