[MoHa] The new team

Day 659, 08:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Following the successful election of GLaDOS, Ministers are appointed to head each ministry, and new teams are decided by the Minister. Each Ministry comprises of its Minister, Under Minister(s) and apprentices. You can usually apply for a position on the forums.

Here at the MoHa, we try to make sure that everyone has a good idea of what the eUK is all about, and where you can find the information you may need on a daily basis. Since I was appointed in Hassans first term as Prime Minister, the Ministry of Home Affairs saw a few changes, and a large expansion.

The MoHa

Before I became The MoHa, the Ministry was a great deal smaller then it is today. During my first term as MoHa I established 3 main branches, Pm’ers, Entertainers and Wiki-ers. The latter two were overseen by an under minister. This month, I intend to create another two branches of the Ministry, which shall be overseen by an under minister:

The Regional Co-ordination wing. Although the use of regional councils is none existent in the eyes of a few people, and very handy in the eyes of others, I believe that we should help regional councils run and promote any programs they run. Formally, the entertainment department helped a few councils promote and run a few of their games. Hopefully, by working closely with each active council we can spur more people join the forums and help further the aims of the councils.

The Media wing. This wing will be significantly small, compromising initially of only myself and an under minister. We intend to produce ideas and methods of increasing subscriptions and interests in the MoHa’s papers, and other helpful papers, government ran or otherwise.
The Current MoHa team comprises of;

Mr Woldy – Minister
Karacticus – Under Minister (media)
Malta_1990 – Under Minister (wiki)
Robalbinio – Under Minister (entertainment)
John Bartlett – Under Minister (regional co-ordination)
Grimshaw - Under Minister (Advertising)

Daniel Thorrold
Lando Kahn
Sir Terry the Great
Joachim Von Bremen
Jan Baykara
Grahame Fortune
Lord Weiis
Thor Jarglson
Choco Milk

And we've still room for more. You can apply on the forums.

Pro tip

Read these past articles, on how to get involved, and where to get your information, papers such as the PM’s, the MoD’s and the MoHa’s could do with your subscription. Subscribing to these papers means you will have a small alert whenever they release an article. In other words, whenever an important article about the eUK, it’s state of affairs or its military orders are released, you will be alerted and provided with a direct link to the article. This means that you will find yourself a lot less confused then you might be, should you miss an article published by one of the Ministries.

If you’re a GM or interested in Business, it may benefit you to subscribe to the MoT and MoF’s papers. The Ministry of Trade often releases interesting and detailed articles which are a good read for all entrepreneurs.

Finally, add the eUK Home office as a friend. That way, we can “shout” links to articles or bits of information and you will see it in your shout box. It’s a simple yet effective way to get easy access to the information we supply.

Mr Woldy, MoHa.