[1+776] V is for 'Vncle States of ѦMerica'

Day 1,716, 23:26 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

~~On Day 1,7x6: A ramble through my observations on current events.
No answers promised and certainly no solutions given.~~

xo77Bello Vel Paci
“╒athers’ sins in War of Contrition won
Forgive blood soaked body of Carpenter’s son
But brothers’ arms fail to hold
When pulled apart for pauper gold.”
Century 1+7ooAnnus Septimus
“Brother’s₪bonds held us to terminal۞unity’s fate
To be released in this new century of late.”

To get the actual article going, let’s kick this off with some home-grown humor/our courtesy of a writer south of the border, Jon Malcom, that helped inspire my article with his article “Heard Joke Once:”

¿: Knock, knock.
: Who’s there?
¿: Canada.
: Just a matter of time, I suppose.

flawless ?Ѧictory¿

Now on to the rest, with a mish and a mash of Dylan rolled with some Jimi and chemically flavoured with some artificial bromance ~ enjoy:

~~All along the watchtower, princes kept the view
While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too.~~

On the other side of the wall, they are wondering. Many of them are former Canadians, some are the ones that left us and fought against us out of spite, out of pity, and out of the need to stand for truth and the need to discipline eCanada. It wasn’t pretty, but it was confusing and tumultuous and it was fun, and I was among them for a time. Many more are Americans who want us as their Bro or want us as their next easy-had production bonus. Others are the allies who watch from the sidelines and wait for MPPs to be renewed with a major ally we once shared. Some are the foes that the Bros once fought, who are steadily making gains with Brazil and other TERRA compatriots, while we wait and watch for a resolution to the uneasy war between eCanada and eUSA.

~~The Titanic sails at dawn
Everybody's shouting
"Which side are you on?"
And Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot
Fighting in the captain's tower
While calypso singers laugh at them.~~

When the NEs were flying, I thought it was a bad joke. And it was. I figured it would end with the usual punchline and a forum suspension. Rylde had even done it last month as CP without any penalty, and he assure me there would be no consequences, yet were there?...especially when followed up with a paparazzi-like expose of eUSA with its pants down while in flagrante delicto with a Spolish tease. So the practical joke that backfired turned into a trip to the emergency room.

~~And in comes Romeo, he's moaning,
“You belong to me, I believe,”
And someone says, "You're in the wrong place, my friend
You better leave,"
And the only sound that's left
After the ambulances go
Is Cinderella sweeping up
On Desolation Row.~~

Big Brother expected an “I’m sorry” after a retaliatory shot to the arm, and then all would have gone well. But the little guy just didn’t knuckle under, refusing to say “Uncle Sam” and relinquish a lingering NE. They wondered, ‘Why’s this little derp not calling it quits? Don’t they know who they’re dealing with? We already have your lunch money and most of your old buds. Why are those little derp Congressmen not declaring ‘No Natural Enemy.’ They must be derps. Yeah, because derps be derpin’ cuz that’s what derps do.”

I’d say ‘Fair assessment’ (though I added a bit…not the “derp congressmen” part ~ that’s for real from eMerican shouts)

So why didn’t we? Basically, there was nothing to lose, and a little bit to gain. Not a whole lot. Our lunch money was/is never going to be 100/100 and our buddies won’t be joining us again. But that’s the key right there. When you’ve had so little for so long, then any action seems good. The worst part was having the Capital surrounded and going days with hardly any productivity bonuses. The best part was all the rest: some meaningful battle orders, a chance to support a home-turf RW, oodles of True Patriot points, added trolling with people that share the same language, a reason to reconnect with old friends but on different footing. eCanada had nothing to lose except the meagre bonuses we already had, won the chance to play the game at a somewhat more engaging level, and then potentially earn a better settlement coming out the other end. However, that depends on a couple things right now as we regain all our regions and as the CP elections approach.

~~"There must be some way out of here" said the joker to the thief.
"There's too much confusion,” I can't get no relief.~~

The big question will be, “Is that all we want? Peace and a return to our isolated hobbitville tucked away safely, out of harm’s reach and a game’s fun?” The risk is that we isolate our international allies and personally piss off our friends on the other side of the border. I don’t want to piss in the cornflakes of Phoenix Quinn, Gnilraps, Rainy Sunday, Rough Rider, and so many other interesting eMericans on my friend’s list who have good shouts, fair comments, or good reads in the media. As for those "traitorous" EPCers…well, that’s a different story, hah!

So what’s the real deal all about? The reason why I and other eCanadians are reluctant to release our carnal embrace on Big Brother’s leg as a he smacks us up one side of the head and down the other side day in and day out of this “war”?

Oil, black Gold, Alaska Tea and a jump across to fresher, happier, riper hunting grounds in Asia.

~~And the riot squad they're restless;
They need somewhere to go.
As Lady and I look out tonight
From Desolation Row.~~

eCanada has nothing to lose. We know many want to punish us. We know many want to see us fail and be wiped, then remain so. We know we partly deserve all that and we know saying so won’t change the way you play the game. Actually, we do have stuff still to lose, yet not much from this current NE. Both sides mucked it up and two CPs went head to head. One backed down but for other reasons, and one is now making his best effort to end the war by keeping US troops out of Canadian battles. To be honest, I’m hoping there will be more on the table than a friendly tussle of our hair and a “You’re a good kid. But just remember who’s Big Bro…*fingergun+wink*

~~"No reason to get excited", the thief he kindly spoke
"There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke
But you and I, we've been through that, and this is not our fate
So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late."~~

I confess I don’t want to see this end while eCanada has an absent CP. This puts us at a disadvantage. We’ve been through the worst of it and can go back to it now that we’ve had a taste of starving-level productivity. Why not stick it out? See what the next feller in the Big Chair can offer. I hear he may be a good talker, that he’s had some experience on the international stage, that he’s been through a wipe and seen the other side. I feel bad admitting that I’d rather see Evry not stand down just yet. It’s not Canadian to want to pick a fight and refuse to say sorry between the final jabs. “Sorry I lost that war. Sorry we never occupied any of your territories. Sorry we only had the initiative a few times. Sorry we are asking for too much and don’t want to go back to our crappy little room, in the crappy corner of the house where none of my (now your) friends want to hang out, or even really visit except to give a wedgie as your buds head out the door for bigger and better things. Sorry we never got that Sexy War and sorry we stole your Maxin, Playboy, Penthouse to make up for it. Sorry you never got'em back lickety-split. Sorry we made you knock down the door, just so that we'd get noticed. Sorry this couldn't over as easily as you liked, or as easily as it started."

~~Now the moon is almost hidden.
The stars are beginning to hide.
The fortunetelling lady
Has even taken all her things inside.
All except for Cain and Abel
And the hunchback of Notre Dame,
Everybody is making love
Or else expecting rain.~~

Because little bros and Canadians are a bit passive aggressive like that. Being taken for granted and left out of the fun and in the rain, because we messed our own beds a couple years ago, and again last summer, then this spring, and maybe a little more last PP election…well, we don’t like being reminded of that, even if it is true. You didn’t have to go off telling your buds about it and leave us in the dust. Maybe that’s why we keep you stuck around here with this stupid war, while those yearning Spolish gals and Brazilian chicks, Croatian cuties, and even those Russian foxes impatiently wait for you down on the corner. Maybe we want a little cut of the action and don’t mind a grievous charlie horse in Manitoba or a horrible headlock around Ontario. Because we’ll still laugh about shredding your stack of Maxim, Playboy, and Penthouse, because that’s what the little turd bros do when they get a bit bored playing pin-the-tail on the international DO day after day, up in the crappy part of the house no one wants to hang around in, our very own Desolation Row.

~~Yes, I received your letter yesterday,
About the time the door knob broke.
When you asked me how I was doing,
Was that some kind of joke ?
All these people that you mention,
Yes, I know them, they're quite lame.
I had to rearrange their faces
And give them all another name.~~

Hey Evry, let’s have a fair shake; we made it this far. Still Bros right? See you in the next election...maybe? Talk to the man in the hat and bring some Alaska Thunderf to pass around…that is if we don’t pass out and wake up with a No NE or Mega-wedgie Wipe before then. We’re suckers for punishment and can’t seem to get enough one way or another, but doesn’t hurt to be gentle with the little guy now and then.


~~At midnight all the agents
And the superhuman crew
Come out and round up everyone
That knows more than they do;
And then the kerosene
Is brought down from the castles
By insurance men who go
Check to see that nobody is escaping
From Desolation Row.~~

(and escape we didn't: http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/Canada/113036)