
Day 1,522, 05:03 Published in China China by ericxu

[UPDATE][Plato's message] New changes - nothing to worry about. Keep calm
like everyone I got Plato's latest message. And, like everyone I started screaming and running around while waving my hands in the air and yell "2012!!! it's coming!! this is the e-apocalyps!!!"
While running trough the room like a mad man, I didn't noticed the wall in front of me and ran straight in it.... It sorted my already damaged brain out and made regain my cool.

So I got on my white horse and set out to the magic land of IRC for a quest of answers. During this quest I bumped into the fair maiden that we all know as Xtasia, who has always been erepubliks most popular admin(even more so after RL pictures of her appeared on the old IG random forum once and half the random-users wanted to take the first flight to Romania to marry her and her enormous boo... eyes)
所以我骑上了白马去到神奇的IRC之地开始了寻找答案的征程。在征途中我撞见了人称Xtasia的仙女,她一直以来是e世界里最出名的管理员(在她的玉照出现在旧IG 的随机论坛之后四分之一的随机用户想要乘人生第一次飞机飞到罗马尼亚去娶她233)
It was a battlefield on the IRC and everyone was in panic. Luckily we all turned to Xtasia's infinite wisdom and prophetic words which I copy-pasted bellow.
[12:31] dodial: nu skill will be introduced
[12:31] and working for your own land is not in our plans of being removed
[12:31] no*
[12:32] XtaSia: what happens after this few last days of tool boxes?
[12:34] XtaSia
[12:34] no skill or new skills?
[12:34] major problem would be to terminate the manager job
[12:34] meaning: GM work will be removed in 2 months😁
[12:34] No skill
[12:34] XtaSia what happens if you have a 30-40 toolboxes and it's impossible to use them all up in the next "few days"
[12:34] and to be clear... WORKING FOR YOUR OWN LAND will stay the same
[12:35] XtaSia: ok, admins remove the tool boxes, no problem with that... but what are the next changes going to happen after this?
[12:36] XtaSia, you're the only good admin. You know that the community loves you, but can you PLEASE tell someone in that godwretches company we call erep labs to release some sort of article/press release or any other form of communication towards the community about what changes we can expect in the near future in regards to the economy module?
Xtasia,你是众多鸡(管理员)中唯一一个有脑子的【请允许我这么翻译】你知道整个社群都爱你,不过你能不能告诉erep实验室叫他们在游戏内报纸(译者注:原先有无头鸡代言形象Plato的报纸erepublik inseder以及各种其他语言版本)/博客/非死不可/或者其他随便什么方式来告知我们将来在经济模块下的改动?
[12:37] guys, shadowukcs I am amazed how everything turned out to be
[12:37] you still have not answered my question
[12:37] I need to insist on telling you that we are not going to make any other changes, except the toolbox one
[12:38] ok
[12:38] the Economic module won`t get new skills, managers will still work for their own companies
[12:38] we are not going to modify anything else
....[some more bitching]...

[12:41] yes, what about the parts and stuff? I have many parts left. Will they be deleted? will there be a compensation for them or will we just be able to use them up? And what is "a few days"? It's rather extremely vague, isn't it?
[12:43] few days... it`s actually next week

-toolboxes will be removed
-you will still be able to work as WAM
-you will still be able to use the toolboxes for another week (so "a few days"= a week)
-no other changes are planned on the economy module for the moment

As you can see, there is nothing to worry about. Keep calm and continue buying gold

It appears there was a small miscommunication. Xtasia's comment referred to the first step of the economic changes. In this first step, only the toolboxes will be removed. Further steps will follow but one of the admins assured me that the other steps will "mostly ease or simplify the work of the General manager" and that they will mostly be "optimisations" in stead of actual changes. She also assured me that NO NEW COMPANIES will be created and most importantly that NO SKILLS will be introduced. WAM will NOT be changed either.
Xtasia also promised that when these further steps will come close or become live, she will give me info about it.

so until we have a clear view of what these new changes are going to be: lower those arms, stop screaming like a girl while running around in the room, keep calm, have a pint!