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CPM: Money-market

3 Dan 664, 16:19 Objavljen vCanada Canada

Thanks so much for your feedback on my last two articles, much appreciated. My goal is to write a "CPM: Money-Market" column daily and a "CPM: Commodity, Product and Labour" column each week, on Sunday.

I don't have a goal or schedule for my

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CPM: Money-market

7 Dan 663, 19:22 Objavljen vCanada Canada

I've been curious about the money market and have made a few forays into it. I've started a little log on how much is at play in the market given that all the tools I've found only refer to prices.

The retarded offers are thrown out.

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Hidden In Plain Sight

5 Dan 663, 19:08 Objavljen vCanada Canada Ukazi bitke Ukazi bitke

Log of Battle Booster Strikes

Day 2262 @ 18:00 Battle Booster - Enrage Comrades
Damage after strike = 0.810B
Damage before strike = 0.890B
BB Strike damage = 80m

Day 2263 @ 18:00 Battle Booster - Enrage Comrades + Rejuvenate Comrades

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CPM: The Private Army

2 Dan 658, 17:55 Objavljen vCanada Canada

Consider an army of 20 citizens. 10 work for an iron company, 10 work for a weapons company.

The 20 employees and two companies form a production cell. All 20 volunteer their time for minimum wage. All 20 of them place their faith in the

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CPM: Create = Change, Change = Fear and Opportunity

4 Dan 653, 18:00 Objavljen vCanada Canada

I am a member of Bruck's Canucks.

Bruck's Canucks was formed to unify eCanadians without a homeland and prepare for the liberation, it's a helluva rallying point and team.

I was recruited by Rylde and my path through eRepublik took a turn for

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