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With the best of intent, to be informative, economically aware, and politically mild, with varying amounts of satire. Hope you enjoy reading, and shoot me a PM if you have any questions!

And now a word from probably the most unlikely candidate

0 Dan 491, 00:10 Objavljen vUSA USA

It's a little late, but I still want to say...VOTE FOR ME!!!

If you've read my past presentations, you'd know a bit about what I thinnk is good. More taxes for war and infrastructure, higher tariffs (import, export tax) for evil countries (you

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I'm feeling nice. 0.08 GOLD per person subscribe. Max 25 people. (I'm not rich)

31 Dan 488, 20:07 Objavljen vUSA USA


Try this one more time...

Just subscribe and vote and post "voted and subscribed"

I am giving away 0.08 GOLD for every post here that says "voted and subscribed"

No less than 10 people, no more than 25 people.

Don't all come

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Another random article on the impeachment or something trifling

3 Dan 488, 19:59 Objavljen vUSA USA

Hi again. Time to take a break from serious stuff and go to something more "trifling"

The president was impeached...


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Communists, bad or good, a conversation.

7 Dan 485, 15:48 Objavljen vUSA USA

I am in the communist party.
Does this mean COMMUNISTS are BAD?
To me no. Why JUDGE someone by the name? I don't know.
How about we all take the time to LISTEN to what we say about issues and THEN you can LAUGH all you want.

Normally, our

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New and improved presentation (not so vague or "ehh....")

2 Dan 482, 22:26 Objavljen vUSA USA

And now, running for the state of Ilinois, milestailsprower!

Ok. So. Just my thinking a little bit of what I am able to do if I am congressman, I support higher taxes to improve the defense system and hospital system. In fact, during my term, I

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