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The Boblo Interrogations #5 - Johnobrow

9 Dan 1,238, 12:03 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

This is the fifth in our highly regular series of interviews (5 in 3 years), featuring our lead reporter Bob Boblo and the shady rogues gallery that make up the eUK political scene. He tracked down former PCP PP Johnobrow to a commune in Norfolk,

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The 4th Bi-Annual BOBLO Awards (Part 2)

11 Dan 1,138, 04:30 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

Part 1 can be found here


This is a random unrelated image I put here so that the whole

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The 4th biannual BOBLO Awards (Part 1)

16 Dan 1,137, 04:32 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

Welcome to the fourth bi-annual Boblo awards. I'm not you're host, because this is a newspaper article and not a show or ceremony in any sense of the words, however, if you are sad and have a vivid imagination you can always imagine it is, in which

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Military Engagements and Foregin Affairs: Just some of my opinions

3 Dan 926, 09:29 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

Military and Foreign Affairs.

This is the some of my opinions, covering my ideas for Military and Foreign Affairs. Having been around in the military for some time I have had an idea or two about what we can try out.

I … preberi več »

The Truth About Dishmcds

11 Dan 925, 06:38 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

The UKRP presidential candidate Dishmcds is a rather curious fellow. He trots the globe randomly running for president in all sorts of exotic locations, but particuarly here in the UK, of which he has an odd affinity to. But recent revelations make

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