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Evil French Magicians Make Lower Normandy Disapear!

32 Dan 398, 12:26 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

Outrage plagued the UK today, as a group of evil French magicians called 'The French Military' used some sort of dark magic to steal Lower Normandy from eUK and our vastly superior military.

How dare they do this! We invaded them in a totally

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Boblo For North East

4 Dan 397, 12:30 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

Unfortunatley, unless another party has a surprise candidate up their sleeve, then the North East's two congressmen are already decided and we won't have a proper election as such. Fortunatley, those two people are myself and Malta_1990, both

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A grim future for eUK

12 Dan 391, 10:17 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

Many citizens will consider the Atlantis v Peace war currently engaging in France to be the most enjoyable time on erepublik since they joined. As we speak, there will be citizens who have reached the moment where they are hooked on eRepublik like a

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Holy Wars Over! For Good!

5 Dan 385, 09:56 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

I bring news both good and bad.

The good news is that The Holy Wars have been resolved peacufully, as Bob Boblo, a noble, heroic, handsome advocate of peace convinced the Banana inner circle to reform and become peaceful.

A peace contract was

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The Banana Offensive

10 Dan 384, 10:15 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

Ladies and Gentleman of eUK. The Holy Wars rage on, and many have been wondering when the so-called 'Boblo Masterplan' would come into fruition.

The time has come.

A great man once said, 'cometh the hour, cometh the man', but cometh this hour

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