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[MoP] Dear Ostin:

13 Dan 935, 04:06 Objavljen vAustralia Australia

Dear Ostin,

I know you will read this well because you are an eAustralian citizen.

How do I know this?

Well because I know you. You have been very persistent and always come back from your bannings.

You will always come back in one way

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Full of SRS BSNS

8 Dan 934, 02:31 Objavljen vAustralia Australia

eAustralia is a hole.

It's a hole.

A big hole. Fortunately a bunch of SRS MOFO's are gunna take it over.


I can't believe we voted for Widds. He … preberi več »

[Question4Widds] Yo Widds, WHY NO MoP?

16 Dan 928, 07:16 Objavljen vAustralia Australia

I was looking over your stuff and strangely I see no mention of your MoP.

Is it in this locker?

I obviously don't mean the cleaning

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Where are the eIndonesian Babies?

60 Dan 924, 02:49 Objavljen vIndonesia Indonesia

You Went from roughly 24000 citizens

To 18000?

Where did the other 6000 go???

Don't worry I found them.

Try One

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Something Important. [Read Me]

8 Dan 923, 15:28 Objavljen vAustralia Australia

I have been receiving messages saying that it's time you post another article in the US. Show them that we are the hottest, etc.

Well I woke up and was planning on doing this. However. I received the following message:

You have received a

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