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Economical analysis / Analiză economică

30 Dan 2,481, 04:14 Objavljen vRomania Romania Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

If the market in your country drops too low, buy a license in another country, where you will get better prices for your goods. It will cost you 20 gold though...

Dacă piața în țara ta scade prea mult, cumpără o licență în altă țară, unde … preberi več »

Damage formula in battlefield

27 Dan 2,481, 00:28 Objavljen vRomania Romania Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

This formula calculates how many hits a citizen needs to defeat its own opponent on the battlefield.

D = (60 + ((S1 - S2)/10)) × (1 + (FP1 - FP2)/400) / 2

-> D : Damage
-> FP1: Citizen's firepower
-> FP2: Enemy's

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Influence formula in battlefield

30 Dan 2,480, 23:25 Objavljen vRomania Romania Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

This formula calculates how much influence per hit a citizen can inflict on the domination bar from the battlefield.

I = 10 × (1 + S/400) × (1 + R/5) × (1 + FP/100)

-> I: Influence on the hit
-> FP: Citizen's firepower
-> R:

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Weapons use / Utilizarea armelor

32 Dan 2,472, 02:00 Objavljen vRomania Romania Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

If you use a weapon in attack, it will become used, and will vanish from your inventory.
In defense, you will be automatically equipped with your best weapon in your inventory, but it will not be used not mater how often you fight in defense.

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