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News of Asterians

104 Dan 2,363, 11:29 Objavljen vGreece Greece Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

Some music first

47 days have passed since the last time we talked we were kind of busy in HQ … preberi več »

Add Myrmiland

65 Dan 2,327, 11:43 Objavljen vPoland Poland Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

Dear citizens of the new world

Today our beloved admins told us about their plan to add new countries in erepublik.
You all know that new countries are weak in the beginning and they are easy to be under PTO. You can see the post in forum here

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A new superpower is born

44 Dan 2,261, 14:19 Objavljen vRomania Romania Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

Some epic music first

In the battle between good and evil
In the battle between light and darkness
A new superpower is born in the heat of battle following the example of the greatest country ever
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365 X 4 +1

20 Dan 2,247, 05:59 Objavljen vRomania Romania Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

365 X 4 +1

January 14 2010, it was normal day just like all the others. I had just arrived home from work I had a small chat with my family and I opened the pc. At that time I was only 1-2 hours top in front of the pc and with my … preberi več »

Merry Christmas Plato

37 Dan 2,214, 01:37 Objavljen vRomania Romania Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava


Few minutes ago I got my FP like many other players here in eRomania.
I admit that I wanted this FP my last one was on 2012 and my profile looked so poor without it. I consider this FP as a decoration and for this reason I am happy for

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