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Blood, toil, tears and sweat (热血、辛劳、泪水和汗水)

93 Dan 846, 21:19 Objavljen vChina China

热血、辛劳、泪水和汗水 (link to translation below)

I would say to the reader as I said to those who have joined this battle already: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. We have before us … preberi več »

The Answer to All Our v1 Problems

109 Dan 846, 16:10 Objavljen vRomania Romania

http://i43.tinypic.com/qrdlw2.jpg" width="252" height="87">

Q5 Moving Tickets

Yes, you heard me right. Quality-5 Moving Tickets. "WTF," you say? Good question.

Wondering preberi več »

An e-Wedding Invitation

49 Dan 846, 00:44 Objavljen vGreece Greece

Not many know that I am, in fact, an e-priest. Fewer know how I came to be ordained and what e-religion I practice. And so it shall remain.

But this is not about me. It is about the holy e-matrimony about to be undertaken by two people, [url=http:

preberi več »

We Fought the Good Fight

255 Dan 844, 19:18 Objavljen vCroatia Croatia

Prekmurje was secured by headless chicken: read the stats here.
The [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/blood-toil-tears-preberi več »

The Economy: Past, Present, and Future

46 Dan 843, 21:27 Objavljen vGreece Greece

Once upon a time, Iron was king. It was jealously guarded by a few nations. On the side of EDEN, they were Spain and Greece. On the side of PHX, they were Hungary, Indonesia, Brazil, and Iran. Among the supposedly … preberi več »