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Oceania Has Always Been At War With Eastasia

8 Dan 726, 20:14 Objavljen vGreece Greece

The title of this article sums up how I think and feel right now... which is pretty much nothing, and nothing. There is currently a battle in Sabah at the instigation of Indonesia, against Malaysia, in which it seems 27 allies of Malaysia have

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Two Clicking through World War 4

15 Dan 714, 00:59 Objavljen vGreece Greece

After my blunder that left me (and my party) without any congressional seats, I decided it was time to cool my jets after a very exuberant entrance and first three months into the world of eRepublik. I have become something I have never been before:

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Less than Epic Fail

10 Dan 705, 14:12 Objavljen vGreece Greece

I forgot to press the buttons to put in my bid for a congress member position.

If you were inclined to vote for me, I ask you to consider one of my fellow Greek Independents

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Greasemonkey Script Overhaul (new battle order script)

9 Dan 688, 21:32 Objavljen vGreece Greece

Greasemonkey scripts rely on pattern-matching to determine which pages might possibly be re-written using a script within the addon's arsenal.

Recently, eRepublik released a "cluster" architecture for improved server performance. The

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Greece joins EDEN's Training War

11 Dan 682, 01:06 Objavljen vGreece Greece

Thanks to legislation proposed by President Jaguaros and passed by Congress, with joint funding and the cooperation of the other countries involved, eGreece has joined the defense of … preberi več »