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Patriotism at its best

Beeman For Congress [NPG]

11 Dan 1,613, 16:21 Objavljen vCanada Canada Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

(Sorry to spam the media with this stuff)

I would like to ask for Yukoners' vote on April 25th, with the EPIC party of Canada.

I was elected last month, and I did my best to serve the population's interests.

I'm not going to pretend this

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Congress Presentation

2 Dan 1,583, 17:49 Objavljen vCanada Canada Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

Hello Yukoners!

​I am currently representing the Yukon in Congress! I would like to ask for your vote again, on March 25th, so that I can continue representing eCanada. I have already been elected 6 times, so I know how it works.

​I am super

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War With UK

14 Dan 1,572, 10:19 Objavljen vCanada Canada Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Please stop hitting. You are accomplishing nothing. … preberi več »

A Wild PP Candidate Appears!

15 Dan 1,562, 14:34 Objavljen vCanada Canada Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

Hey EPICers!

I'm sure most of you know me, I've been elected to Congress with EPIC 5 times. I am a sitting Congressman representing EPIC!

Since the PP only does one thing really, I can only promise this: I will quickly and efficiently put up

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Scenario 5

4 Dan 1,561, 17:11 Objavljen vCanada Canada Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

You are presented with a unique opportunity. The United States would like to rent a region from us, a low populated region with a bonus we already have. They would pay 1000 gold for it for every month. You for one know that a vast majority of the

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