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Inter-Pol #8.5 - Part 2 of our erepublik 101 edition (Beginners Guide)

0 Dan 286, 08:20 Objavljen vRomania Romania

Part 2 of our erepublik 101 edition.

Politics 101

Alright, so not everyone likes politics, but it is one of the more fun and exciting ways to express yourself here in Erepublik. First, when you register you'll be given the … preberi več »

Inca un pas : Candidez - Romania Unita

53 Dan 285, 21:01 Objavljen vRomania Romania

----English Version folows----

Eram presedintele [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/party-1981.html]RU[/a] de cel mult o ora cand am primit un mesaj din Budapesta, in limba romana: Ce pozitie voi avea daca devin presedintele Romaniei? Clar, sunt

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Inter-Pol #8.0 - Erepublik For New Guys - The Beginning, Economy, and Military

6 Dan 285, 10:20 Objavljen vRomania Romania

#8.0 - Erepublik For New Guys - The Beginning, Economy, and Military

The Beginning

You awake in the dead of night, wondering "what's next?"
Well, you have the same problem almost every single on of us has had at some point of … preberi več »

Q1 Jobs for WAR

9 Dan 283, 08:30 Objavljen vRomania Romania

I have been asked to make a list of Q1 jobs available in Romania, for UK Paratroopers and other brave warriors.

Thank you Mny and che_ghe for making this list:

Food q1

CyberZone FOOD -- http://www.erepublik.com/preberi več »

InterPol #7: Canadians Participate in War

4 Dan 281, 12:53 Objavljen vRomania Romania

Canadians Participate in War (the Mexican War)

Last week, Canadian president, Adam Sutler wrote [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/article-541462.html]an article denouncing Victor Petrescus presidency and supporting the Free Irish Party[/a]. … preberi več »