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Day 891 UPDATE2: Battle Orders: Let's have a deja vu in Southern Great Plain

3 Dan 891, 02:13 Objavljen vNorway Norway

Today, EDEN and allied forces liberated the region of Heilongjiang, also referred to as Hello Kitty, from Hungary - bringing this high iron region back under Chinese control where it belongs. We are also pleased to announce that Spain just preberi več »

Day 890 Battle Orders: Central Hungary

4 Dan 890, 05:46 Objavljen vNorway Norway

EDEN forces are now deep into enemy territory. Get your daily
work and training done and fight for our allies in

Central Hungary

[img]http://www.[/img] … preberi več »

UPDATE [MoD] Day 888 Battle Orders - Southern Great Plain

4 Dan 888, 00:53 Objavljen vNorway Norway

Today, Croatia with excellent assistance from EDEN allied forces conquered Western Transdanubia. Our brotherhood might have lost some battles, but is still determined to win the war.
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[MoD] Day 887 Battle Orders

4 Dan 887, 15:06 Objavljen vNorway Norway

We know you all long to visit the Canary Islands, but you will get your tan soon enough - our Croatian allies need our immediate assistance. Lock and load your weapons and focus on this battle:

[url=http://preberi več »

[MoD] Pay attention to the battle orders

6 Dan 883, 10:37 Objavljen vNorway Norway

(The entire Ministry of PR has been stuck for several days in the middle of nowhere (Ostlandet) because of the Icelandic government's decision to emit volcanic ashes into Norwegian air space. Having returned to civilisation (Vestlandet), the preberi več »