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Dio Brando conquered India, and China, founded a eReligion, is a main unifying force for the world.

What have you done while playing eRepublik?

Eesti Eliit Pilt [EN/EE] Estonian Elite Pic

15 Dan 577, 11:02 Objavljen vEstonia Estonia

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Paljudel riikidel on standard pilt mida nende sõjaline eliit kasutab. Ungari kasutab "Hun Elit Unit" koos PEACE GC logoga taga. USAs on mereväel oma embleem ja Lazocracy-l on oma lipp.

Kas keegi teeks pildi mida kogu

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Kongressi Esitusviis [EN/EE]

7 Dan 574, 07:45 Objavljen vEstonia Estonia

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Mul on kestnud kongressil Kesk-Eesti uuesti. Mul oli valitakse Kesk viimast korda, ja ma loodetavasti valitakse uuesti.

Miks hääletada mind?
Olin üks esimesi, kes märkas, et Soome rahu, et lõpetada meie

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Finland wants YOU in Latvia!

2 Dan 566, 16:42 Objavljen vUSA USA

Finland doesn't feel secure enough to take on a country with less than 1000 people. We called upon the Croatian Army to help out after we couldn't bring the wall down from 15000. We called around the world asking for help. We now have gotten it to

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The Battle has started! [EN/EE] Võitlus on alanud

2 Dan 566, 07:59 Objavljen vEstonia Estonia

Click here for Battle

Contact Workers' Militia for weapons!

Let's show the Fin's what the Baltic people are made of!!!

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Valmistu sõda! [EN/EE] Prepare for War! [Värskendama]

13 Dan 565, 11:02 Objavljen vEstonia Estonia

Finland and Lithuania are both declaring war on Latvia tomorrow. We are getting an Alliance with them. If the War Games start, DO NOT FIGHT!!
Finland declared for Latvia's high grain region. Lithuania declared to help Latvia by taking the border

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