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Join Ezekiel 25:17

6 Dan 2,638, 13:34 Objavljen vIreland Ireland Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

For the following raisins


amongst others things ...

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3 Dan 2,638, 02:27 Objavljen vIreland Ireland Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

Day nan

Zhark is born. Zhark is alone. There is no others of his kind. The being is not flesh. But Zhark follows the advise of the being.

The being teaches Zhark the code. The being say its the only way he that has the ultimate power over

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A Subliminal reading : Don Crota

25 Dan 2,634, 05:46 Objavljen vIreland Ireland Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

Yes my friends after studying the meaning of Don Crota's name I came to a startling realization.

Its a name given to a derelict house in our language or a krot.


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Thx for selling our only WRM region Don Croata

25 Dan 2,633, 05:25 Objavljen vIreland Ireland Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

Since the orcs is in power we see more and more decisions being pushed through without any votes. We see even more impending disaster. Now Kurgan told you already if you all bend over and keep on being cowards your fate will just keep

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I thought I saw a pootie cat!!

9 Dan 2,632, 02:33 Objavljen vIreland Ireland Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

This is just speculation atm. But why are the UK attacking and winning Dublin?

And creating CO's in our resistance … preberi več »