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Odpri Wiki stran

The Bro paper was started on day 1365 by Bucephalus92 in an attempt to hold off the boredom slowing encroaching upon him...It has since morphed into...pretty much the same thing.

eWorld Warfare Report

13 Dan 2,129, 16:07 Objavljen vUSA USA Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Greetings Bros,

Banners courtesy of blondeninja and [url=http://www.erepublik.

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eWorld Warfare Report

16 Dan 2,119, 15:23 Objavljen vUSA USA Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Greetings Bros,

Like the new Banners? Thank Mourning Star

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eWorld Warfare Report

22 Dan 2,116, 10:28 Objavljen vUSA USA Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Greetings Bros,

North America

Not much going on in North America at the moment, Canada is enjoying finally having most of its regions again due to

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eWorld Warfare report

35 Dan 2,113, 17:47 Objavljen vUSA USA Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Greetings Bros,

here is a brief update of military conflict accross the globe.

North America

The United States has finally kicked out Serbia, the

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It is always darkest before the dawn

54 Dan 2,043, 17:35 Objavljen vUSA USA Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Greeetings Bros,

Unless you are extremely new, or have been living under an incredibly soundproof rock then you are aware that the United States is on the verge of being wiped by a coalition of TWO/ACT

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