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Dear FYROMians

20 Dan 1,119, 07:02 Objavljen vNorth Macedonia North Macedonia

Hello fellow FYROMians.

You are still not sure what to do.
Your behavior seems logical enough.
Fear what it will happen.


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12 Dan 1,119, 01:11 Objavljen vGreece Greece

Με την υπερψήφιση ενός από τους δυο νόμους:

Ανοίγουν αυτόματα και ΔΩΡΕΑΝ μάχες. Για 7 ημέρες ο πόλεμος δεν μπορεί να ακυρωθεί.
Όσοι έχουν υπηκοότητα από τ

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War in eCyprus

18 Dan 1,106, 22:49 Objavljen vCyprus Cyprus

Fellow eCypriots.
As in RL, we face in this game a war coming from eTurkey.
They tried to PTO our land - they Failed
They tried to steal our money - they Failed

Now they bring their brand new generation of army:

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We have a choice

13 Dan 1,098, 11:51 Objavljen vTurkey Turkey

Fellow neighbors.

We have demonstrated in this game a lot of hate. Hate that was signalized from wars between our glorious nations. But a brave display from eGreece has wiped out eTurkey and ended the eRepublik's war between our e-countries.


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Obvious explanation of “Macedonia is Greece”

18 Dan 1,072, 04:46 Objavljen vGreece Greece

It can be found through game’s menu that one can check the areas of eRepublik countries.

And lets put it

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